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Everything posted by I3dontknow32

  1. told you to pm me lol
  2. 2m
  3. S.o = 100k C.o = Min bid = 100k Insta = 5m Accept cash , CC(420k) IV RR (750k) Auction for 3day(72hour) start after first bid. GoodLuck guys ^_~v
  4. hello..i need help to restore my halloween charmander that i buy from "anduyhaka" or similar name..its OT i buy from him..i dont remember when i delete or even release it the nature was impish and have 01 attack thats only what i remember..please help
  5. Auctioning Timid Gengar Hp ice 31x3 S.o 1.5mil Min bid 100k accepting reroll ticket = 650k cc = 390k Auction for 24hour start after first bid Goodluck ^_^
  6. 55min left :) Goodluck guys
  7. sorry and thank you ^^
  8. Starting Offer : 5mil Min bid : 250k Insta Price : 20mil Accept CC(390k) Reroll ticket (650k) Auction for 72hours after first bid Goodluck~ ^_^
  10. hello can you help me restore my poke.. I dont have id or even screen shot of the poke but i remember a little bit of the detail. Honedge adamant 01 attack and 20+ other iv. hope you can help me.. Thank you <3
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