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Everything posted by Jenn

  1. Re: WTS Excadrill <r><QUOTE author="1kevin77" post_id="452880" time="1507635143" user_id="1493125"><s> </e></QUOTE> 1M for excadrill adamant,, i thiking no worth in pvp,, are you not thiking before buy it? <br/> <br/> I can buy 1m for jolly spd 31 atk 25+,, :) <e> </e></QUOTE> I'm more than happy to pay the price I have bidded. If I wasn't I wouldn't have made the offer <EMOJI seq="1f602"></EMOJI></r>
  2. Re: WTS Excadrill <t>1 m :)</t>
  3. Re: WTS Excadrill <t>700k xD</t>
  4. Re: WTS Excadrill <t>600k :D</t>
  5. Sorry auction time ended with no bids, so auction has now closed with no sale. Thanks
  7. [glow=red]C L O S E D ![/glow]
  8. Re: Softboiled and Unaware ability combined - Allow or Ban from ranked PvP or not? <r>+1 <GLOW glow="red"><s>[glow=red]</s>BAN!<e>[/glow]</e></GLOW></r>
  9. NPC Name: J3NN3LL3 NPC Team: Gastly , Haunter , Gengar Dialogue: - NPC - Question: Where do Haunter’s buy their milk and eggs? Answer: At the ghost-ery store
  10. IGN : J3NN3LL3 Answer 1 : Uxie, whom always has its eyes closed, as it can wipe the memory of whoever looks in to its eyes. Answer 2 : It is believed Arceus created an egg which all three were born from.
  11. 1. What is your current play time? - 401 hours 2. What is your favorite thing to do in pro :3 - Hunting good pokemon xD 3. Cats or Dogs??? (this is most important....) :OOO - Cats are life <3 4. What are your goals in pro? - To catch a shiny klefki!! 5. Why do you wish to join our pack? x3 - I'm wanting to join an active guild and also know a few members already in RUK :D EXTRA CREDIT: Would you be able to join discord :O - Yes!
  12. Darki88 , I also have a dragonscale for sale to make up for the two needed, Just pm me in game if you are wanting to purchase J3NN3LL3
  13. Bump~
  14. Love your style of art!!
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