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  1. @Gosoranui you won, what server are you on?
  2. Username: Dezire Server: Gold Country/Timezone: Denmark/GMT(+2)
  3. - ACCEPTED CURRENCIES - Pokedollars Reroll Ticket - 750k Coin Capsule - 350k - CONTACT - IGN - Dezire RULES - 1 - Any fake offer will be reported. 2 - Be careful! You can't cancel an offer once it's made. 3 - Bid here or PM me in-game. 4 - Auction ends 72 hours after the first bid is made. (Auction ends Tuesday the 20th 5:05 pm GMT(+2). 5 - To prevent sniping, the auction will be prolonged by 15 min, if an offer is made within the last 15 min of the auction. 6 - The s.o is 3M. 7 - The minimum increase of the price is 250k. 8 - No instant. 9 - If the buyer wants, I wouldn't mind training the Staryu before the trade is done.
  4. Bump
  5. Auction ends 24 hours when s.o is met. s.o 50k Insta 500k Min raise 10k Time 24h Accepted payment(s): pokedollar CC 400k IV RR 800k Nature RR 400k Rare Candy 10k
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