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Everything posted by Jathal

  1. 1. Age 16+ and above :- Yes 2. Playtime hours at 100 or more :- 208 hours. 3. Able to use Discord , Most Important :- Yes, Jathal#1024, have mic if required. 4. Your previous Guild, why did you leave them (in case you were Kicked, then why?) :- Joined Tranquility, left because I was taking a break from the game and didn't know anyone in it. 5. Have you ever been banned in PRO, and why? :- No. 6. Other than having fun playing the game, what are your goals in PRO? :- Make multiple good pvp teams. 7. How old are you and other than English, what languages do you speak? 27, no other languages. 8. Provide a screenshot of your Trainer Card. :- [MEDIA=imgur]ecBe4XZ[/MEDIA]
  2. Discord Tag - Jathal#1024 How many hours on PRO? 195 Progress so far? Start of Sinnoh What's your favorite Pokemon available in PRO right now? Lanturn What's your favorite part about PRO right now? Going through story line.
  3. If IV reset is added I think it should be limited to one time use per pokemon. So if you catch the rare pokemon you are looking for with the right nature but there are 3 IVs that are under 10, you have a decent chance of getting at least one of them up to 20+. Limiting usage to once per pokemon barely increases the chance of perfect pokemon, because to make one you will still need to farm the right nature and have a natural 31 in at least 3-4 IVs and then you have one chance to roll perfectly again on 2-3 IVs with the chance of getting 01s instead and being stuck with that. On chance to find from boss, 0.1% sounds a bit too low, I would put it somewhere between 0.5 and 1%.
  4. Re: Tranquility {Yellow Server}{Recruiting!} <r>Wish to join.<br/> <br/> <IMG src="https://i63.tinypic.com/2lm6q0h.jpg"><s></e></IMG></r>
  5. I think it would actually save them time, as updating a list isn't that hard once the system is set up and it only needs to be updated when there is a new patch. It will automatically stop a lot of people from using the wrong moves which removes at least 90% of reports mods will have to go through.
  6. I would like to see options for different tier matches for ranked and have it auto checking your team, stopping anyone with a pokemon of a higher tier from entering the queue. If possible it would also be great to add in banned moves if it can check the moves of the pokemon on your team. The reason I think this should be possible and hopefully not difficult is it can already check the level of your team, and hopefully checking the names against a list of higher tier pokemon will be easy. As the system is now it is easy for casual players to use the wrong moves unintentionally as it requires going to webpages outside of the game to even find the rules. With an auto check of players pokemon's moves before entering the queue it will be easy to keep an updated list of banned/bugged moves that is auto enforced.
  7. I'll have to do more testing to see if its totally repeatable, but I have noticed if I miss with a non 100% move, reusing the move will continue to miss as many times as I try it until I use another move. Could be horrible luck but I think its a bug.
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