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Everything posted by Mangkitw

  1. Re: Denzocrow Shop (Updated 15/12/2016 GMT+7) <r><QUOTE author="DenzoCrow"><s> </e></QUOTE> ok bro<e> </e></QUOTE> I am at kanto right now</r>
  2. Re: Denzocrow Shop (Updated 15/12/2016 GMT+7) <t>can I bid 50k on shinx and 100k on Wailmer</t>
  3. Sorry, gonna take back my offer on golurk
  4. I hope you still read this, i wanna offer golurk for 1.1m
  5. Re: Wts Pvp ready Metagross, h.a Blaziken, Donphan, Starmie. <t>Metagross 700k</t>
  6. Re: Epic gardevoir and Sceptile <r><QUOTE author="vrishan033"><s> </e></QUOTE> whats your IGN?<e> </e></QUOTE> my ign is mangkitw</r>
  7. Re: Epic gardevoir and Sceptile <t>1m gardevoir</t>
  8. 200 k for aron
  9. 56k :S can i see the image tho?
  10. Re: WTS Kanto Duskull <r><URL url="https://imgur.com/AVKCOgo"><s>http://</s>https://imgur.com/AVKCOgo<e></e></URL><br/> <br/> ID: Allensalar bid for 200k</r>
  11. [/highlight]https://imgur.com/H1LvtkY WTS Kanto Duskull starting bid: 150k insta: 1.3m ID: mangkitw the bid ends 24 hours
  12. Re: Wts decent pokemons <t>bidding for second growlithe for 50k (flash fire one)</t>
  13. Re: WTS best dratini. Adamant epic H.A. <r><QUOTE author="SugarRed9"><s> </e></QUOTE> <E>:Cry:</E> <E>:Cry:</E> alrite you rich :S, not rich enough for me to spend 1.8m for this dratini</r>
  14. Re: WTS best dratini. Adamant epic H.A. <t>nvvvvvvvvvvm</t>
  15. Re: WTS best dratini. Adamant epic H.A. <t>nvvvvvm</t>
  16. Re: WTS best dratini. Adamant epic H.A. <t>will see what is op gonna do with the person take off his/her bid. =/</t>
  17. Re: WTS best dratini. Adamant epic H.A. <t>I gonna start the bid with 500k :)<br/> <br/> ID: mangkitw<br/> <br/> PS: how long is the bid? Also mind if telling me your ingame ID? so I can add you once I get back home. :)</t>
  18. 1) Adament Dratini https://imgur.com/UW3lIJs b.o 350k, insta 1m 2) H.A Dratini https://imgur.com/TbOb5Xp b.o 200k, insta 600k in game ID: mangkitw
  19. c.o 350k insta 1.2m https://imgur.com/TbOb5Xp id: mangkitw
  20. c.o 550k johto insta 1.5m https://imgur.com/AmCbcuc in game id:mangkitw bid close in 2 days
  21. Re: Epic Dragonair Adamant 31atk 29spd <t>750k.</t>
  22. this mistake makes me cry T.T
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