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Everything posted by Mangkitw

  1. Can the devs increase the catch rate of beldum if possible? Everytime i see a beldum i need to use at least 100 ultra balls for EVERY SINGLE ONE, I really feel so tilted and exhuasted if the beldum is trash.
  2. you should post in here, you should post in price check catagory
  3. wtb blue gums 90k
  4. start adament Eelektross 300k
  5. Re: THE NATU'S MASTER + 71 OTHERS PKM - KAMINOKAGE - UPDATE 14 MAR 2017 <t>also buying the lv 14 female wynaut</t>
  6. Re: THE NATU'S MASTER - KAMINOKAGE - UPDATE 10 MAR 2017 <r><QUOTE author="Kaminokage"><s> </e></QUOTE> sure, no problem</r>
  7. Re: THE NATU'S MASTER - KAMINOKAGE - UPDATE 10 MAR 2017 <t>I want to buy the Bronzor :)</t>
  8. yea thanks for that, I guess now all I can do is wait XD
  9. ah prehax :), thx for linking me this, now it is time for me to read this block of text XD
  10. There are some moves that can not learn after you evolve your poke, and I fall in the trap twice since I play this game, since I am not a expert, it is not possible for me to know every single moves in this game. I really hope this game can add a pre-evo turtor so that we can re-learn those pre-evo moves if we accidently missed it.
  11. Re: wts beldum, epic 31 atk, 31 sp riolu and others <r>bump <E>:Cool:</E> <E>:Cool:</E></r>
  12. i will buy the calm slowpoke for 350k
  13. Re: wts beldum, Garchomp, and others <r><QUOTE author="Belchior"><s> </e></QUOTE> acution will be end in 2 days</r>
  14. Since I play the game on window mode, I just drag the game to the corner, that can show what kind of poke pops out, then use my number keys to control while I watch Netflix, YouTube, Leagues or anime. What about u guys?
  15. insta :) :Shy:
  16. Re: wts beldum and others <r><QUOTE author="Cnnblt"><s> </e></QUOTE> ok ends in 2 days</r>
  17. I have a right to not sell if I don't like the offer (mostly not gonna happen anyways :S) auction ends in 3 days c.o: 800k insta 1.7m c.o: 2m insta 5m
  18. Re: wts charizard azumarill haxorus and marill.. <t>zzzzz, insta charizard, too lazy to wait 10 hours</t>
  19. Re: wts charizard azumarill haxorus and marill.. <t>1 30d ms</t>
  20. i start with 1m5
  21. Re: THE NATU'S MASTER - KAMINOKAGE - CHEAP PKM - UPDATE 01 MAR 2017 <r>Master Natu, might I please to buy 160k machop (male, adament, no guard) <E>:Smile:</E></r>
  22. i will start the bid for aron and meditite :Smile:
  23. ayyyy just bump this threah for you XD
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