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Everything posted by Mangkitw

  1. rip my bump
  2. U accept 30d ms? And if u do how much it worth
  3. bump i guess
  4. 1.2m offer
  5. Auction will start once someone bid, and will be end in 48 hours. 31atk/31sp steadfast, i can change the moveset to what you want once you win the bid. c.o: 1.5m insta: 3m c.o 400k insta: 600k
  6. Re: Good Pokes for pvp ~~ <t>start swarmpert 1m</t>
  7. 1m .......
  8. plz leave a post or pm me in game ID: mangkitw I can pay good :Grin:
  9. Re: WTS GOOD AEGISLASH! <t>start 400k then :S</t>
  10. HOLY MOLY, I wish I can win this bad boy XD
  11. Auction will ends 48 hours, starting from the first bidding, if no one bid then I will go train them to lv 100 and then sell at that time :S I have the right to cancel the trade if I hate the world. b.o 450k, insta 1m
  12. I can pay cash if u want for insta
  13. Re: ♦ Auctions ♦ Metagross/Excadrill/Omastar/Azumarill ♦ [Exca started 48hours left ~ 3/24/17] <t>Start 1.4 m azu then</t>
  14. i start 500k then
  15. Re: wts 2 pokes <t>Lowered the price and bump</t>
  16. all sold
  17. my "post game". i will definitely add 2-3 hours to the amount of hours that said above :S YEA I AM THAT BAD LUCK GUY
  18. Also you have different kinds of pokemon for unlike pro only get 3 kinds of balls.
  19. Get what I wanted Thx :D
  20. yea lol I ended up used 170 ultra balls to catch a bad beldum lol :/
  21. XD, ok you win :P
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