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About Klumb3r

  • Birthday 06/30/1994

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Klumb3r's Achievements

Rookie Trainer

Rookie Trainer (2/12)



  1. si funciono muchas gracias
  2. si, lo hice antes de hacer la transferencia porque me lo pedia
  3. Hola, soy vikiii esta es mi cuenta secundaria que solo tiene mi dex service por lo que lo pase al silver, pero al intentar entrar al silver me dice que mi password es es incorrecta, es raro porque al gold puedo ingresar perfectamente, y de la misma forma no podría acceder ni aquí ni en ninguna parte.
  4. I was doing dex service, and suddenly server drops when i was lending pokes (just when both click Accept) and my pokes are now on lend mode (in my own account) but the countdown is not moving, i would like to know if there is something you can do to help me please (T-T) PD: thanks for taking the time
  5. Re: [Work in progress] Complete PRO Pokedex! <t>Thanks for updating the post :D</t>
  6. Update! - Added Hawlucha for Dex.
  7. What is your current play time?: 1083 hours. What is your favorite thing to do in PRO?: Meet people, have fun, enjoy the game, learn :D Cats or Dogs?: Kitten :3 What are your goals in PRO?: Complete the Pokédex and be better in PvP. Why do you wish to join our pack?: Because I'm an active user, and in this guild there are people I know. Would you be able to join Discord: Yes!, Klumb3r#6117 If you accept me, I will respond with pleasure to the interrogation :Smile:
  8. Good luck everyone!
  9. Re: Compact Boss Guide - NEW: Guide for Summer Bosses! <r><B><s></s>Birch<e></e></B>: Mightyena (Sucker Punch, Roar, Play Rough), Medicham (Rock Tomb), Flygon (Flamethrower), Swellow (Giga Impact), Mega Blaziken (Flare Blitz), Slaking (Earthquake)<br/> <B><s></s>Reward<e></e></B>: 23k, Mudkip<br/> <br/> <br/> More moves of bosses <URL url="https://prowiki.info/index.php?title=Bosses"><s></s>here<e></e></URL>.</r>
  10. Re: Compact Boss Guide - NEW: Guide for Summer Bosses! <t>Kagawa boss: 5 rare candies</t>
  11. Update! - Added Klink, Klang and Klinklang to missing. - Added Chespin, Quilladin and Chesnaught for Dex. - Added Fennekin, Braixen and Delphox for Dex. - Added more customers.
  12. Re: YouTube giveaway (Only for a week) yellow <t>Interesting, but what is your channel?</t>
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