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  1. I accidentally released my machop ID:50913393 Please help me to restore it
  2. move "gravity" is coded or not?
  3. hello, sir, i dont know what happen but today, now this problem appear again the same and it due to "log lost", im so sad that i cant play in silver server, then hope everything goes well in pro xmas time... thank u , have a nace day!
  4. me,too. what happen? im afraid it
  5. This in my gold sirver account
  6. Hi, sir, im sorry to tell u that i cant log in silver server. 15 hours ago, everything is okay . But now it show me with "loggin in..." and "connection lost". And, i still can log in and play game normaly in gold server. So, im alomostly sured that there‘s no problem with my network. Would u mind to do me a favor and give me some advice?
  7. hey, i have 2 questions here. 1st, pinkan island need my ot scyther and elec or not ot is okay? 2nd,tailwind has been coded? thanks!
  8. how can i get a Rocky Helmet through story?
  9. where can i get move synthesis
  10. how to get a assault vest? in story or beat the boss?
  11. stored power is coded? or it is a bug move?
  12. hello. My starter is charmander, now I want to teach my ot pikachu to learn surf, how can i do it?
  13. Re: ▲INFERNO BLAZE▲ ⎪ The first Guild in PRO ⎪ Red Server ⎪ International Guild - NOW RECRUITING!! <r>Hi~guys,i hope i can be one of u~Inferno BlaZe~ <E>:Smile:</E> <br/> •IGN: zsquirrel<br/> •Game Time:550 hours,hey :)<br/> •What's your Aim in PRO: In my opinion,ot pokemon is priceless,i have an ambition to catch all pokemons i want to own by myself,such as shellos、shellos、shellos... <E>:boot:</E> <br/> •What's your Favourite Pokémon? and why?:shellos,it's so cute and strong in battle:)<br/> •Have Any Close Friend of this Guild: Stellar is my friend, it must be fate,and all guys i met in~Inferno BlaZe~ is very kind and helpful. <E>:Heart:</E> <br/> •Whats your Dream Battle Team: recently~/1gastrodon/2machamp/3sableye/4starator/5weezing/6gothitelle<br/> <br/> i will focus on maintaining the image of my guild,thanks :)</r>
  14. Re: ✰ Headbutt Trees Location ! [Ferroseed !!] ✰ <r>CAN COMBEE ENVOLVE??? <E>:Grin:</E></r>
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