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Everything posted by Atlow

  1. If there is a factor that keeps people addicted to a certain game, it is sense of progress, wich is something that PRO could benefit more from: Your character himself should be able to get experience and gain level as he defeats pokemons and trainers. Having its maximum level being unlimited, where as at lvl 120, his walking speed will then equal mount's, and from there on, start to surpass it slowly but progresively. So if a players has been playing for 7 months, he should be able to walk as fast as the mount if not faster. This will both give a feeling of progression and lock the players to their current accounts, because currently its too easy to transfer all your possesions to a new account like changing clothes to a mannequin. Lvl benefit may vary. Let me know your thoughts.
  2. When the paradox exploits and we all get swallowed by a dark hole. PD: I lol'd
  3. This is a good suggestion, im googlin all day, since things in PRO are totally diferent from original games. However i dont wish to hype it up, since stability,ah,hoenn,pc box manage, among others, constitute a bigger priority.
  4. Can you provide some info about when aproximately will this be implemented? Im hungry for this.
  5. Atlow

    Guild Bank

    Easy, player is forced to donate 50k to withdraw 1 pokemon at a time, as he deposit again he is able to withdraw 50k or another pokemon. That way i could have a guild myself just to act as a 2ยบ box to help organize (unless next release has new pc box features, wich i implore )
  6. People will get abused exclusively if they want to. Money does not earn or create magically, you steal it from the other player, so the cycle continues... As simple as turning your pvp off, you are protected, and continue playing as we do nowadays. Let these brave enought to walk openly asking for a fight to test their skills. And also imagine a 2k Challenge fee from the attacking player. He wins and steals 5% of his victim's money. WoW there is money sink!!! :Cool: :Light: :Cool: More fun and more income for PRO Review.
  7. It would be normally turned off for newbs ofc but it will leave room for those who want to risk and be a little greedy, also if you get challenged and win, you may win 10% of his money instead of 5% ( while pvp on, players can't be inspected :Light: ) Just play around with the bonus incentive and people will turn it on ;D I really miss hunting for scrubs like other mmorpg open pvp/enforced pvp, it will bring fun for these who rather make money doing pvp than staticly farm pokemons forever.
  8. Im really missing the oportunity to challenge someone anywhere on the map ( cities excluded ) with him not being able to decline the battle, getting 5% of his money if victorious. People should be able to activate or disable their pvp status, obtaining 30% more exp and $$ (or similar) but having to forcefully accept any battle. Even be able to interrupt the capturing of a pokemon and dispute it's capture by battling. Or could exist something like PvP Island, with same features, but better pokes, so just the fierce players will fight for the supremacy.
  9. ik i broke myself on those, just joking around.
  10. Well, you have a guild chat, if you are willing to sacrifice another one of the existings.... wich i find quite amazing to be honest, and since all are more important than guildcjat , chat guild gets denied, and therefore guild concept itself.
  11. You cheeky revive abuser, get karma'd
  12. 400k dont do that to yourself
  13. Atlow

    Guild Bank

    Guild would be hell of a lot more versatile.
  14. Atlow

    Guild Bank

    I think it would be good to have a guild bank to deposit pokemon and items alongside with a guild ladder to determine deposit and withdraw power. This would be a good option for people to complete pokedex for example.
  15. Is this or will be implemented?
  16. 24 We grow old but pokemon stay young.
  17. Atlow


    Any human react to a given event is emulable by a software, unless neither gm itself is able to restart it while on a *timed out*. Please clarify.
  18. Atlow


    i can code a reconecter for you guys
  19. Atlow


    He should be marked as long afk and kicked.
  20. Search and also a "sort by": pokemon# level type average Ev Lvl I know its too much to code, but the neetest, the more players, the more $
  21. Atlow

    Chat commands

    This idea isn't that good. If someone spams you then you should ignore them. If you are still interested in talking/ trading with them you shouldn't ignore them. This isn't even necessary and could at the end off the day make trading harder. Is to be assumed that you no longer want any relation with the one you are ignoring. Therefore your response makes absolutely no sense. Just like the other 2.
  22. How about a /R to rewhisp the last person we spoke to, so we can avoid things like this: https://gyazo.com/ff2fa25a2dc47cf0d90b6db8ea4efb9e Also adding a note for people on friends, to remember wich trade are they there for. Also Double click a name in trade chat will open a new message tab, instead of doing the same as Right click. Maybe include ev trainning and moveset on pokemon's links, not sure why this is not yet implemented, altho it shows on your owned or on trade. Also ignore someone will not prevent friend request or trade request from him.
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