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Everything posted by Leonardosenpai

  1. Yes now i start ty
  2. Hello everyone and welcome to this nice shiny bundle. 72hrs After First bid. s.o 1pokedollar min raise 1pokedollar No insta for the 25shinys bundle. i will Transfer to the winner. i accept Cash and cc(430k). Gl&Happy Halloween
  3. Start.
  4. I cant see the picture
  5. @Shiringayou won the trap with 330k @Isildurr2x you the charm With 260k @Bulbafanyou won the larvesta 350k,eevee 450k, swam 300k and larvitar 420k in total 1.52m pm me pls all in game im online rn ty.
  6. Larvesta c.o 350k charmander c.o 260k Trap c.o 330k Eevee c.o 450k Swampert c.o 300k Larvitar c.o 420k 43min Left Gl&Enjoy
  7. 2.5 for mimi 1.3 tyran
  8. Start with mimy 2m.
  9. Close
  10. Hello Everyone & Welcome to this fantastic Auction. s.o each poke 10k min raise 10k No insta 30hrs After first bid. i accept only Cash. Gl & enjoy hp larvesta=electric. 21+ivs hp Charm=dragon. 21spdef rest 27+ivs. 26+ivs Trap. 25+ivs eevee. 20+ivs ada h.a swam. 24+ivs Larvitar.
  11. You won the mimi pls meet in murky town im online rn @Epicmon
  12. @Bleachisthebestyou won charm 50k @1cloudzyou won sig 242k and larv 502k that makes 744k @Xen0ph0bicyou won gengar 401k @Shiringayou won buneary 361k
  13. 15min added time every time someone bid gl. Rules.
  14. Gengar hp steel c.o 200k mimi ada max spd c.o 250k larv ada 31x31 c.o 300k buny jolly 31x31 c.o 126k charm epic hp ice c.o 50k sigi c.o 170k time left 43min gl & enjoy
  15. There is time left he started 3:45 am yesterday 48hrs is end in 3hrs 25min gl.
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