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Everything posted by Domorawrxix

  1. In order to trade an item you have to make the pokemon hold the item that you want to trade and trade the pokemon holding the item.
  2. Very nice find! :Smile: :y:
  3. Hello there! Welcome to PRO! and have fun! :Smile: :y:
  4. Yeah I'm with the last post. Subbed for when I actually want to watch and dubbed for when I want to multi task. :Smile:
  5. Pokemon, digimon, yugioh, DBZ and many others :Smile:
  6. Hello there. Welcome to Pro! Have fun :Smile: :y:
  7. Charmeleon clone :Smile:
  8. Wooooo Heroes of the Storm!!! Even though it said Dota 2 or LoL
  9. Gah!!! I am so pumped for the new island. Ooooo I really can't wait.
  10. I don't thinks there's a way... the only way I can think of is via the move relearners
  11. When this happens to me i usually reset the client and wait 5-10 minutes... If i still can't log in i wait until they reboot the servers.
  12. If you're a member you can go to the exclusive part of the safari and catch sylveon, umbreon, scyther and others which i have yet to find as they still haven't popped up in my pokedex yet.
  13. Victory Road or SeaFoam Island is a good spot to farm exp, but i prefer Victory Road as the PokeCenter is near where as in SeaFoam Island you have to pay Nurse Joy to heal your Pokemon.
  14. Heyy InfiniteK! Welcome to PRO :High_Five:
  15. Even though I don't PvP I can see how this can be a nuisance. You have my support +1
  16. Think of cloned pokemon as collectibles. People will pay a huge amount for them.
  17. Subbed obviously, dubbed doesnt feel right imo. :Smile:
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