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Everything posted by Singham

  1. Re: Please dont put coins to change ivs <t>PRO turning out to be PWO 2.0</t>
  2. ^ Signed: Singham
  3. i tottaly agree with this pvp coins and pvp cloaks mounts must be absolutely untradeable They are already not trade-able.
  4. Flash Fire is not coded, will add it to the list.
  5. Thief is fixed in the latest server restart.
  6. From the info I gathered, people did not experience the priority bug on another Pokemon (tho, my info might be wrong).
  7. https://prntscr.com/c0r8v0
  8. Report bugs in Battle bugs thread.
  9. Re: S> Epic Talonflame <t>This is last warning, either post serious offers or do not post at all.</t>
  10. Added Dragonite with Outrage (ban-able), Contrary (Not coded) and Fake out (Not ban-able) list.
  11. Can you provide proof?
  12. His game works fine on his Phone, he just wants to discuss what phones you guys are using and how is the performance.
  13. Someone use Sheer cold on me during PVP Take screenshot of when the said user used it and report it.
  14. With all my respect to you, i'm sorry to say that this argument isn't relevant, you don't need to use a TM on a pokemon everytime his move went down to 0 PP so basically even if TM aren't infinite, you still need just only 1 TM per pokemon. That is not a argument, it was a example for why we did not make TM's same as in handheld.
  15. Thank you :Grin:
  16. Would be really nice if you can provide some proof and same goes to every other bug report, so it would be easy for us.
  17. It will be fixed in future. near future ? Yes.
  18. Not going to happen, locking the topic.
  19. Yes. It will be fixed in future.
  20. That is ban-able. Edit: If you are reporting a move please make sure you are using the report form and some evidence.
  21. We ask the said user for more details before taking any action towards a user.
  22. It is a bit bugged, sometimes it hits for 4 turns instead of three, but it happens rarely.
  23. Respect other peoples opinion, if you can't, don't reply. Spamming the topics won't get you to banning Talonflame, you have put forward your opinion, we disagree, end of. You don't need to spam every PvP related topic with same thing @Bigdanny
  24. Okay, thread is derailing from its main topic, stop asking about banning Gale Wings in this thread because this is not the appropriate thread. And to your answer, other Pokemon games do not have Gen V+ Pokemon.
  25. So, if someone has more money than you and he buys the Pokemon you want, it is also pay to win?
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