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Newbie Trainer (1/12)
Just because i gave one piece of evidence that happened to me in the past, it doesnt give you the right to outwardly claim that my claim is entirely invalid.. Did you stop to consider what it was like for me and more importantly what he said to me both in game and on the side? No you didnt, because i didnt mention it in my "Invalid statement". The mod that took care of me at the time didnt do anything for my case besides tell me i was foolish for trusting anyone and that i got a nice ban. The only reason i said the stuff i did at the time was becuase HE INSTIGATED THE VERY SAME LINES. No if your wondering, he didnt get punished the way i did, and i never got my goddamn pokemon back. Im HIGHLY offended that you have the audacity to claim that my post is 100% invalid BASED OFF OF ONE EXAMPLE THAT I GAVE THAT PARTICULARLY HAPPENED TO ME, WITHOUT even checking what the other guy did to me at the time or even considered why i must have said those things. If you want more examples of what i experienced i will gladly make those "public" as well, and if you want i can share what others who weren't as patient as i was had to experience as well. But common man, there is no need to be rude! Have a wonderful day! EDIT: Logan, i mean you no disrespect obviously. But i EXPLICITLY mentioned i had MANY negative experiences, both myself and my friends that left PRO due to being mistreated, i dont feel like you have the right to completely and udderly disrespect me or my case by stating "its invalid... from 1st word to last" when you DIDNT EVEN CONSIDER what i talked about in my original post, and only decided to base your reply and (relatively) skewed judgement on one piece of anecodtal evidence you had. With this being said, i understand you made the point that the instance in which i was unlawfully punished you believed i was the person doing the mistreating, not being mistreated. Why do you think i would run my mouth in such a disrepsectful manner when like you stated, THAT WAS MY ONLY DOCUMENT BAN. I have no history of being aggresive or rude or mistreating others, so please, i am asking you respectfully to not disrespect me and say that I WAS THE ONE who mistreated a player. Since you wanted to cherry pick my statement, ill reply to you in that sense. He stole my pokemon, AND THEN MADE FUN OF ME IN THE EXACT WAY I REPLIED TO HIM AND MORE!!! i was the victim, he tried to scam me again at the time!!. At the time of this issue being resolved, the staff member that took care of me told me that the original staff member was BAD and SHOULD NOT! have done what he did to me! Since you love looking at my documented history, i respectfully and kindly ask you to go through your logs and validate what it is that i am saying. I will conclude by reinstating i mean you no disrespect, but i dont appreciate AT ALL your disrespect towards me or my case. Have a great day! @Logan Now thats just not true, EVERY experience i had with #3 they have ALWAYS came out of nowhere to say english only! they dont even say please half the time! i was told on a few instances when i was helping a person in all chat THAT COULDN'T SPEAK english (they mentioned in their language they couldnt speak english and just needed help) (in his native language that i learned in college), i couldnt even help the poor guy because i was told to stop! (I did). Before you tell me why couldnt they have just pmed me, the guy was obviously brand spanking new to the game, he probably didnt even know how to add me! I remember when i first started i didnt even know you could pm or add, and i had to utilize all chat since help chat was usually pretty inactive at the time, etc.
What I personally REALLY dislike was the the overall general mistreat I received from staff back when I first started playing the game when it came out around 2015, people like myself and others shouldn't be banned or disciplined to the point of hating the game just because staff members at the time where "not as good as they are now". I also really dislike the inconsistency of a majority of staff members not replying to messages that players send them when they have serious questions or concerns. My friends and I shouldn't have to wait for a week+ to get a dry reply, if any at all. I also dislike the how easy it is to get auto muted in chat, there have been numerous times when my buddies and myself on a few occasions where auto muted without warning for simply defending ourselves from toxicity that was targeted towards us in chat. Just general nonsense and incredibely biased and inconsiderate staff where the reason me and 6+ of my friends quit the game in 2015, I was the only one to come back and give it a shot. I don't feel like I am can rely on staff or mods at all when I am in a predicament, and that's JUST NOT RIGHT. You guys have this power for a reason, need I say more?. This is not to say I haven't had a good experience with staff and mods, but believe me when I tell you myself and a majority of my (friends that quit in the past) and current online friends think that not only are mods and staff just generally unreliable and borderline useless, we end up thinking any problem you find yourself in is better to be ATTEMPTED to be resolved by yourself (for example my stolen Pokemon(s) not the dusknoir which made me quit PRO) and HOPE that you don't get unlawfully punished and end up, like in myself and my friends cases, just quitting the game in general.
Name Change, Account Reset, and Server Transfer - May 2019
Dannymj1 replied to Fluffles's topic in General Game Talk
NAME CHANGE Username: DannyMj1 New Username: Blue Server to charge the money from: Silver (fluffles and mustang, please check your messages...) I have attempted multiple times to reach the staff members in regards to this issue, but no one gave me a reply. I understand you are busy, but please take a look at my messages when you get a chance. Its important to me. -
Selling lots of pokemon, shinies and PvPable.
Dannymj1 replied to Dannymj1's topic in Pokémon Shops - Silver
offer plz -
Selling lots of pokemon, shinies and PvPable.
Dannymj1 replied to Dannymj1's topic in Pokémon Shops - Silver
wow -
Im really interested in the types of offers you guys are willing to present to me/ i am also open to trades! Pm me in game, DannyMj1 or reply here!
Phoenix Guild [Silver Server] - Recruiting ALL Players [International]
Dannymj1 replied to Kellsbelles's topic in Guilds
The link you sent to me was invalid, mine sending me a new one ? -
Phoenix Guild [Silver Server] - Recruiting ALL Players [International]
Dannymj1 replied to Kellsbelles's topic in Guilds
1. What's your Player name (IGN)? DannyMj1 2. Number of hours played? 345 3. What's your favorite Pokemon? Blastoise 4. What country are you from? USA 5. How old are you? 19 6. When's your Birthday? (Optional) -
Hey guys, so I've tried downloading all win 64 and win 86on my pc through all links like media fore and mega and the android versions they still keep telling me they won't work and I can't loggin.. it says Its the wrong version when I know this is the correct one. Can I get some help please Fluffles is cool
same bs is happening on pc rn as i try to log in...
I don't care what it takes... I'll be the best. I'm the winner!
Dannymj1 replied to Beemer100's topic in General Support
this is why we need a trading system that works in any place, the community would have rescued this player without the need for staff intervention! do u have a spare account i can trade you a few escape ropes on brother! would be happy to help -
ummm, hi! new player here!
Dannymj1 replied to Lunabella's topic in Player Introduction and Partings
Hey man! Welcome to pro and nice introduction! Silver is definantly the way to go, it wasn't part of the first server on pro (red) so you did make a good choice! If you ever need any help, seeing as your new, send me a message in the game! Also try help chat, they helped me when I was starting out ! -
Farewell brother, always thought you were one of the nicer and more respectable staff members like arkos, sad to see a good guy leave. Good luck to you brother.
b.o is 700k by epikkuhunter -b.o ends soon -only rule is i can end offer when ever i feel like im not getting what i deserve -dont even fake offer guys, why waste your time?