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Everything posted by Ewitsallsticky

  1. Hello, I accidentally evolved my charmander. Can you please turn him back to a charmander lvl 98? I need him for the mega stone quest. Name: Ewitsallsticky Server: Silver
  2. Hello! I'd love to join ° what can you contribute to Eternity? Decent PVPer, just returned from a break from the game though. I know a lot about the game and have a great attitude. ° what is your real life and ingame name? Patrick - Ewitsallsticky ° how old are you and where are you from? 30 - US ° discord tag? how often are you online there? Tacos de Gatos - I'm online all day ° screenshot of your trainercard
  3. Hi there! I'd like to apply to Chaos. ● What's your Name/IGN? Ewitsallsticky ● How old are you? 30 ● Are you active in Discord? Very ● Where are you from? WA state, US ● What's your playtime?/How often do you play PRO? 1700+ hours. I play 3-8 hours a day ● What's your goal in PRO? To rank in PVP, beat all content ● Why do you want to be part of Chaos? I saw you guys were in the top 10 guilds in pvp! ● What's your favorite Pokemon and why? Zangoose, bc he's a savage. ● What's your favorite animal and why? Corgi, just look at them. How could you not love them?
  4. Take a look, thank you! All auctions will independently last 24 hours from first bid. Feel free to message me in game or Discord to buyout - ewitsallsticky Clefable Magic Guard 200k bid start // 600k buyout Clefable H.A. 150k bid start// 400k buyout Togekiss Serene Grace 200k bid start // 600k buyout Rotom 100k bid start // 350k buyout Avalugg 300k bid start // 900k buyout Quagsire H.A. 150k bid start // 500k buyout
  5. mis read the insta.... I'll bid 500k
  6. Budget 200k - 1Million, depending on the stats of course.
  7. I have a large budget available, but garbo pokemon don't get 1-2mil prices. Link your pokemon and let's make a deal! Thank you
  8. Hello, Just had a PvP Match and here are the events that took place: 1. I had a choice scarf Medicham out, he had a bold/timid Togekiss w/ leftovers. 2. Medicham uses ice punch, Togekiss is switched in and taken to half health. Togekiss has leftovers, gains a little hp. 3. Medicham uses ice punch, Togekiss is almost dead. Togekiss uses T Wave, Medicham is paralyzed. 4. Togekiss is now faster and uses Roost (is above half health now). Medicham uses ice punch and it only does half damage it should. Togekiss is now at 1/3 hp. WTF is this? Togekiss should have been brought back down to nearly dead. It's like being paralyzed caused Pure Power to not work anymore. Or the first turn after being paralyzed, Pure Power doesn't work anymore? I know there was an issue with the choice scarf not functioning properly in the past. Perhaps the coding of PP is interacting with the choice scarf coding? I have no idea, but please fix this. I lost the match b/c of this. Thank you.
  9. Hi, please see title. Price depends on how epic the pokemon is. Link and let's talk. Thank you!
  10. I didn't know you could go to the second room in the daycares. The Pre-Evo Tutor worked. Thank you!
  11. Hello, Shroomish couldn't learn spore in game. Not from move relearner, not from egg moves. I evolved it to Breloom since Spore is not a tutor move. Breloom cannot learn spore from the move relearner or move tutor. I am now finding out that Shroomish needs to learn spore and there's a glitch in the game where it doesn't appear unless you have stun spore learned? Please give my Breloom the move spore. Happy to pay $15k or whatever. Thank you
  12. IGN: Ewitsallsticky Discord Tag: ewitsallsticky#4227 Server: Silver Story: Maybe he had just psyched himself out. Maybe there was no noise. Whimsicott tried to slowly inhale another breath of stale, mossy air as he limped into the shadowy, crypt-like house. Having rolled down half a mountainside running for his life, he was still unaware of what had scratched his back, or if it was still coming after him. His adrenaline was still spiked from his scrap with the hillside, but his war-drum heartbeat began to abate. It’s okay, he weakly assured himself between heaving breaths, …how badly am I bleeding? The foyer offered no comfort. His hand groped for a light switch, but, oddly, there were none to be found. Depressingly, the last few friendly rays of sunlight had abandoned him as well. The stiff double doors behind him, he was now faced with four undesirable options. He certainly couldn’t remain stationary. The slowly twisting staircase offered him broken steps, leading to who-knows-where, and would provide less of an escape, should the necessity arise. Tattered pictures lined the stairwell walls, their shreds swayed with the chilled night air rolling in through shattered windows. To his right was a collapsed, sealed doorway. This corner of the house was being consumed by the insatiable earth below. Not an option. All that remained was a doorway to the left leading to a large, pitch-black room and, his final option, a haunting, cramped staircase leading down- What was that? Whimsicott spun to his right and could have sworn he caught a glimpse of movement through the mangled doorway. Or was he just imagining things? He held his breath instinctively, as panic gripped his throat. No footsteps…no noises. He quickly backed up, reaching for the open front door behind him, but he must have moved further inside than he thought, because it didn’t meet his hand. As he turned, his heart dropped and eyes widened in realization that he wasn’t alone. Moments ago, he could barely open the stiff-hinged door, and he never bothered to close it. Yet, here they both stood defiantly, somehow completely shut without a noise to alert him. He immediately grabbed the handles, twisting, rattling, and shaking them in panic and fright. He let out whimpers of pain and horror as he tried with all his might to open the doors but was left helpless and despairing. His chest tightened and his breathing became labored as sharp terror infested his body like a thousand tiny spinarak. He whirled, and forced his battered legs to sprint toward the upper stairs. There was a crash underneath him. Something was in the basement. Fueled by his fear, he vaulted up the dark, treacherous staircase. Upon reaching the landing, he clutched the first doorknob he could, twisted and pushed, but it was as hopeless as trying to move a sleeping snorlax. Next door! His head throbbed with each exploding heartbeat. Rushing down the hallway, he grabbed the doorknob on the furthest door and twisted. The door quickly swung open half way and SLAMMED back, crushing the right side of his body with an unknown force that sent him careening back down the hallway. His blood now littered the corridor, and he wasn’t sure if his arm was broken or not. He flailed, rolled, coughed, and scrambled to his feet in shock and horror as his suspicions of not being alone were finally physically confirmed. All he could muster were short, weak breaths. He hobbled the opposite direction toward the final unattempted door. He fumbled with the ornate doorknob, put his head down in desperation, and crashed into the door. It gave way several inches only to stop dead in its tracks. NO! It was chained on the other side. Through the door crack, he could see that the room was filled with a strange darkness. His head still down, he could see…and… feel the darkness spilling, pouring out into the hallway at his feet. Within seconds, the hallway was consumed in tangible, complete darkness. Suddenly, his head rang with a stabbing howl and thunderous groaning fit for a worst nightmare! What is happening?! He pivoted to run, but the hallway was gone, replaced by a void, nothingness. The ceiling gone, the floor, gone. Everything around him was simply…black. *creeeaaaak* He screamed and fell to the ground as he spun back to find the only thing in existence was the cracked door, which was slowly breathing open, leaving him frozen by the piercing gaze of a single, monstrous, red eye.
  13. Where are you from?: USA How old are you?: 32 How much playtime do you have on PRO (including alternate accounts if any)?: 3000 hours Has the game improved since you first joined? If yes, how?: Yes. More moves and abilities. new maps, new regions. You guys rock. Is there a staff member or player who you feel is underrated?: No If you could change one thing about PRO, what would it be (no restrictions, be creative)?: Trade long distance. It's probably the most annoying thing in the game. Please look into adding something like WoW has where you can C.O.D (cash on delivery) someone an item or pokemon. It'll sit in their mailbox for X days. If they don't respond in time or pay the fee, it goes back to the sender.
  14. Would also accept Naughty nature. Bump
  15. Budget 600k depending on poke. Thank you!
  16. Super hard to get my finger on it most of the time. I'd suggest doubling it's thickness. You would make a lot of people very happy!
  17. Agreed!
  18. Big budget, depending on how epic. Please show those poke! Thank you.
  19. Budget is high, depending how epic of course.
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