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Everything posted by BllacKMasK

  1. Sold insta to Forgiveme..
  2. Noted...
  3. Hi, As the topic says i am selling this HP fire venu feel free to bid.... Starting offer - 4m Insta - 8m Min bid - 500k. Auction time - 48 hours from first bid.
  4. 300k tyra
  5. 300k jolly
  6. Tag me when u r in game...
  7. Insta
  8. 7.5
  9. 6m
  10. Start
  11. You mean the auction is for 5 days?
  12. 1.5m for naughty garchomp
  13. Sold in game insta 3m to Cobrask
  14. 24 hours left...
  15. Started by Nyomz
  16. Sold Insta to Cobrask Min Bid: 100k Insta- 3m Auction ends 48 hrs after the first bid Accept Reroll iv:750k , cc:450k
  17. there was a cooldown timer added....it jus got over
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