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Everything posted by Wargreymon

  1. Welcome Thanos :)
  2. We have EVs and abilities and with that there may be too much of stats boosting. Maybe in ranked giving those titles would be nice. Maybe even make ranked similar to the Ranked matches in League of Legends. In league of legends we have several tiers of ranked matches, there's bronze, silver, gold platinum and etc. Making it like this. 1. Rookie Trainer 2. Moderate trainer 3. Advanced Trainer 4. Ace Trainer and have them gain the respective titles next to their name to show their skills. Just a random thought after finishing one match of LOL :Grin:
  3. A friend of my made that sig for me and he isn't a digi nerd. He keeps confusing between Gallantmon and Wargreymon (and with Omnimon too, lel). But it's a good signature so I decided to use it
  4. Welcome mate If you have any questions first read the FAQ Enjoy :)
  5. Apparently digimon have invaded PRO huehue Hello people :)
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