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About Padawan96

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Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. This used to happen with tyrogue (fleeing) too, but it doesn't happen anymore. If it is mebmbership only, the text box is very misleading, it shouldn't even appear to be honest.
  2. Hello, I recently got this message even tho I am ''master'' on discoveries: This bug was known to happen before the excavation revamp, but apparently is still persists after said update.
  3. ''Beeeh indeed my dear Watson'' -Mickey Mouse
  4. Preferable not evolved/trained/leveled Adamant nature 25+ ivs attack 27+ ivs speed other stats can be meh (10+)
  5. can be locked/deleted
  6. Playing on mobile (android) can be very dangerous, as some active apps may be detected as cheating programs (especially if rooted). But as far as I know (and I don't know much about this game fool-play detection system), a staff member had to keep an eye on you before proceeding to ban. Anyways, as stated above, the right thing to do now is to make an appeal in the appeals section, that way staff members can revise your case.
  7. Excavation sites rising from the dust! Thanks all staff who worked hard for this. :Heart-eyes:
  8. :y: :Grin:
  9. insta sold to xdolcedrago89x
  10. How about mounts playing the corresponding Pokemon's sound effect when used? For shinies it would play the ''shiny'' sound affect just like during a battle. And for bikes, maybe a simple bike ring sound effect? That would make mounts(ground and surf) even more appealing imo. Btw, perhaps add a mount usage cooldown (like rods) to avoid spam. What do you guys think? :Light:
  11. insta sold
  12. :0 what will it be :Exclam:
  13. Padawan96


    Pronto~ :Shocked:
  14. It basically means that there won't be an infinite loop if two magic guard pokes use status moves on each other.
  15. 30 on red and 0 on yellow... pretty unlucky I guess :confused:
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