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Plasmavortex last won the day on September 17 2020

Plasmavortex had the most liked content!

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Plasmavortex's Achievements

Rookie Trainer

Rookie Trainer (2/12)



  1. Player name: PlasmaVortex Server you are on (won't be changed on our side after you registered): silver Timezone (in GMT): GMT-4
  2. I’ve received my ticket. Thank you!
  3. Five of my vulpix got deleted from a rollback, and my contribution didn't save. I submitted 5 other vulpix (I caught 10 in total) which accounted for 0.313% (540 IVs). The 5 that got deleted totaled 427 IVs. In total I got 967 IVs, and all 10 vulpix I caught were saved (each had an ID as I had immediately logged out or used /save after catching them).
  4. Player name: PlasmaVortex Showdown name: PlasmaV1 Server: Silver Timezone: GMT-5 Rank on ladder: 16
  5. I've been all over the event map at least 5 times already, and I have not seen anything that even resembles a shiny litwick, pikachu, eevee, or riolu anywhere (including some of the more hidden spots). I also spent 3 Christmas coins on the hint for litwick (the first hint was that he is around shops and houses), and the second hint tells me that it is in Evergreen Island Village (which I already suspected and searched multiple times). I'm not sure if this is a bug or intentionally that difficult, but as I've mentioned, I've checked literally everywhere including behind trees, houses, etc. Thanks.
  6. 800k
  7. Start
  8. Yes, I wrote something else that I edited. 3.5m still stands
  9. Nvm misread pm for am
  10. 2.35m
  11. 2.25m
  12. 2.15m
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