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Posts posted by Reikou

  1. 271299 The ability Defiant is supposed to boost attack by two stages for every stat drop.

    However I was just in a game and I didn't receive boost for neither defog or intimidate, both of which you do on official/showdown games.


    271303 Its not coded into the game yet.


    It's not coded yet as LiquidSnakeK pointed out the PVP rules post has a list of the not working fully/not coded moves for future reference



  2. 271296 Is it a reportable offense if someone messages you just to be rude and then leaves? Like if I post something for sale and then someone takes the time to message me "keep dreaming" then leaves. I see this as harassment and find it rude and it happens often. And it really gets my blood pressure boiling. That fact alone should make it reportable in my opinion. it's antagonizing, but I want to know if I am able to report people for this before I waste the staffs' time by doing so.



    Check rule 10 of the Game rules, whilst I wouldn't rate that message as report worthy, if it was offensive or if a player does it to you often and it takes away from your experience, then report them so someone can speak to them about it

  3. 270252 Hi, I got a Piloswine while using headbutt and since it was quite decent I decided to train it, but I couldn't find Ice Shard while using the move relearner nor using the daycare egg moves.


    Is there any hope this might change in the future?



    hello , unfortunately , pilowsine dosen't learn ice shard , swinub the one who can learn it please for more informations about this click here again , i'm sorry .



  4. 270086 my name in game is lHisokal and my account as already in user but i am offline help me staff pls



    Unfortunently there is nothing that you can do at the moment. You're account is deadlocked due to a server sided issue where the server thinks you are still logged in. This is normally caused when you aren't logged out correctly.

    You will have to wait for a server crash/ reboot before you can play again. Keep an eye on the server status checker so you know when the server has restarted.





    "Unfortunately, this is a server-side glitch that can happen from time to time. Whenever this occurs, you have to wait until the next server reboot to play again. Sorry for the inconvenience."


  5. 269934 when I catch a pokemon or place in my pc it doesn't always go to the end. lately it has been goign to a random postiion in the pc. is this happening with anyone else?



    Do you have your PC set to order it in a different way? try setting it to default. If that isn't the case please provide screenshots or video about this bug.



  6. 200476 Hello there!

    Started collecting not that long ago, some people asked me to share my collection so why not!?

    Im playing on the[glow=blue]Blue Server[/glow] btw.

    Ingame name: Dutchyy

    Hope you enjoy & shoutout to all the OT's!


    Most likely forgot some, doesn't really matter doe.

    Hope you still enjoyed checking this out.

    BTW shoutout to my man Npsuper who owns this now (I miss it haha)




  7. 267738 Well, a friend of mine is having crash problems whenever she tries to initializate the PRO64 aplication.

    In the first few times that the problem occurred she couldn't even get to the login screen if she let the client initializate without putting it in second plan.

    But if she did, the client would get to the login screen but crash right after that, being impossible to even insert any kind of login info.


    Then she came to the forum seeking for a kind of solution and tried everything she could find in the Windypuff topic, but nothing solved the problem at all. Actually, it seems to have gotten even worse after trying the solutions: now she can't even get to the login screen through any method, it just crashes without opening a single application window.


    Her operational system is a Windows 7 Professional, SPack 1, 64 bits.

    She uses an Intel Core i5 as processor.


    She used to play the game normally a few months before that came to happen. It started happening after she reinstalled the game recently. Ever since the reinstallation this is happening every single time. She already tried to reinstall it more than once too.


    Problem Event Name: AppHangB1

    Application Name: PRO64.exe

    Application Version:


  8. 268534 Battling here i've noticed crit chance is INSANELY high here compared to normal pokemon games, at this point you almost expect to be crit by everything - i'f you arent crit its a shocker.... Can someone provide me some kind of ample proof that crit chance isnt messed up in this game? cause im just not seeing it right now.



    Pvp - get crit 5x or more in a row by just whatever random poke, nothing special or specific about it to make it a crit machine.

    EV training/leveling in ceru cave - 4 fights in a row stone edge crit by gravelers 0 fails

    Plenty more over the month ive been back, enough to spark the creation of this post as it does not seem right.


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