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Posts posted by Reikou

  1. 290788 Does Facade work like it's supposed to? I did a quick search and didn't find anything. I heard some time ago that Hex doesn't, so I thought Facade might not either. Confirmation would be great. Thanks in advance!


    Yes it works as intended, you can also check the PVP Rules thread as it lists bugged moves/abilities :)


  2. 290790 If i could get an estimate for the time they are coming that would be great, i am asking this as i am hunting pokes such as swablu, elektike.


    Thanks. :Grin:


    The Read this before making a suggestion thread would be the best place to check for planned additions, it also states:

    "We do not have exact timeframes on when the features below will be implemented, so please be patient and know that we're working hard to add them into the game. "


    You could also keep an eye on new posts in the Downloads & Update Logs :)


  3. 290838
    290833 Kanto Safari and get plenty of them there ?


    Exactly, took the words right out of my mouth :Smile:

    To be fair, the description Safari Area 3 for the map Eevee is on is not specific. Maybe renaming it Kanto Safari Area 3 would help players out more^^


    Johto's safari zones are named areas such as mountain or snow zone and Hoenn's all have Hoenn in the name, any safari without a region in their name is Kanto, although I have passed it on that adding Kanto to the name would prevent confusion for newer players :)

  4. 290823 Is the ability eye compound of butterfrees is working, because butterfree fail much the move sleep powder and suppersonic, and with eye compount its precision should up ?


    Compound eyes works in battle, It won't increase held item chance in the field though, no abilities will increase encounter/held item rate due to balance issues


    As stated the bugged/not coded moves/abilities are listed on the PVP Rules Thread


  5. 290432 i catch a ratatta by my own, its OT was my name, then i gv my friend to train, after gv back to me, the OT is gone, but i was the original trainer who catch it, why??? can admin help me fix??


    Was it trained for the Joey boss?

    If so does he accept it ?

    It might still have you as OT but just not showing on your Pokemons information

  6. 290409 To whom it may concern


    Klefki is missing some moves like foul play and play rough it is on it level learn set. see link to bulbapedia Klefki


    Move pools are covered in the read this before making a general support topic thread


    "Pokemon cannot learn move which should learn by level up

    Some moveset of pokemon not update yet that will need to patient until it can add. Unfortunately we can't give you an ETA on when new things will be coded in or updated within the game. Please keep an eye on the update logs, as that's where you'll find news about features that have been recently coded into the game."


  7. 290268 -snip-


    Here's the Official checker for Red server.

    For situations such as this you could make an account on one of the other servers and Try to challenge yourself on there, such as limiting the pokemon types you use or only use certain generation pokemon, just to pass time, then whenever your main server goes down in the uture you could just play there until it's back rather than just waiting

    Second playthroughs are always faster too, you know where and what to do and what's different in PRO (who knew about not evolving on their first Kanto playthrough?) :Crazy:


    Or you could just hang aroung/read guides on forum or talk in the Live chat

  8. 290044 Since i woke up i cant get in game all i get is a blackscreen can anyone help and yes i am redownloading to reinstall but i think it has to do with my acc i am not ban or anything just desperate to log in ... .eJwNyMkNwyAQAMBe-APLctptpIAIYQSWbECwfkXpPZnnfNgzL7azSjTWLuVxrtTnIRb1GUsWpfdy5TjOJVK_ZSSKqd650ZKobQB0m9FWKxuUMf_yDrwJiM4DbKCdfKWZc1u10xtBOa6AK88VcnAcQYxW2PcHV54n4A.AgwQMoOMTefws7YT8gYI9_hvyCk


    If you've played using this client before, has anything changed on your pc since you last played ?

    Such as any updates?

  9. 287774 Hello everyone i would love to make some new friends on PRO and to travel and talk together with other people. If by chance anyone sees this post My IGN is Ashleywinter. I am currently in Hoenn but i am almost done, and hope to return to Kanto soon. i love to talk battle and trade with people. So, if anyone on this post would like to friend me you now know what my IGN is. :thanks: :Heart: :Smile:


    You could also find yourself a Guild to make new friends :D

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