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Posts posted by Rahz

  1. there is a bug in necropolis map ,i cant see froakie in the box which show me what are pokes of any route at the top right ,i see onley question mark , the strange of that case i cant find any froakie since the event started too , i am 5k hours played and  have all pokedex i need someone reply fast my bms is active ,thank you



  2. getting epic pokemon is one of the reasons that make players playing pro but it cost a lot of time which make them getting frustrated from thousand of fails to get epics. and releasing these pokes maybe reaching 20 boxes of same pokemon and more and will be annoying to release them. i got an idea which is a system like item recycle (item maniac) or something like that you can put number of same pokemons that you caught and you generate a new one , i think that will make players hunt more without feeling bad. and i have some ideas for this machine:

     5-10 pokemons can be good for generating 1 pokmon 

    the chance of getting epic pokemon depend of the number of the pokemons you sacrifice 

    if you want a certain nature for the pokemon you want to generate, your all pokes must be that nature to get 100% or most of them (if you want adamant nature you put 7 adamant + 3 any random natures in that machine)

  3. hi i have 2 pokes manaphy and alola ninteals in my team these pokes swap name and moves so alolan nintlaes has tail glow and surf and manaphy the oppostie that happens in pvp onley

    i lost a match because of that bug


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