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Posts posted by Rahz

  1. i fought the pc and i want to tell you that i got Dialga dex data from fighting lance boss at dragon shrine so is there a problem ? so can i get the other lake trio now even i didnt redo the lake trio quest , i have same problem catching latias on birth island , i had latios before i merged wrong server but now i dont have the requirements like i have onley 284 evo and dont have jirachi so can i catch latias even i had latios with currently requirements i have ?



  2. Hi i merged the wrong server but i had completed lake trio quest before and i got azelf so when i completed the sinnoh story at 2nd time again after merged wrong server i found that i havent Dialga or Palkia or even the other lake trio data and i tried to do the quest again but cant start it but i have azelf My question is that can i meet the other lake trio legendaries at the world quest even i havent the requirements ?

    i cant redo i spoke with dawn she did tell me anything she just said "congratulations for becoming sinnoh champion" and i went to home and spoke to tv and nothing happened , do i have to release my azlef? and i went to Eterna forest and Wayward Cave as in the description of the guide but didnt find the Adamant Orb or the Lustrous Orb i tried to search in my bag but i didnt find those orbs too

    i just got mysterious ticket so please tell me can i use to find other lake lake trio or still need the requirements i posted same thread in september but told me to wait and i have been waiting like a month and still no answers







  3. hi i deletd the old post cause its useless about hunting froakie ifound that its my fault and that i have bad luck sorry for wastting your time now i have another problem sometimes i get black screen and and i see onley the white arrow of the mouse pointer while playing the game and i cant use any key of the keyboard like windows or alt+clt to skip this black screen so to shutdown the pc and open it again i tried to reinstall the game and and download the last client but still have the probelm and pls tell if i have to make another post on forum or no

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