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Posts posted by Rahz

  1. Hi i just caught a good pupitar Shed Skin but i had BMS active while caught it i know its risky becasue after evolve maybe it become sandstream or sandvie and that what i dont wantl but it was outbreak and i dont want to miss it my question is ( do i have to wait till my BMS end then evo to get high chance to be sand stream although i caught while BMS was active or doesnt mater? and tell me about my case how much % chance to get sand stream )

  2. My current specs are:

    CPU: Intel® Core2 Duo PC @2.9GHz

    RAM: 4.00GB Installed, 2.9GB Usable

    GPU: Intel® G41 Express Chipset

    I also did have a different 2GB graphics card that I used externally but have since gotten rid of it, just wondering if that could be the issue.

    I appreciate all the help and I humbly await your response



  3. '' hi i just revived 50+ fossiles at excavation and they were all trash you can check my storage just like everything else iv been getting past months. been hunting scyther for 2 weeks and got not a single good one while perma hunting .. spent 7 rerolls on kyurem and that ended up trash aswell got nothing good in so long its sad and the only thing that makes me happy is this game ( usually not lately as i get nothing .. ) this is not luck this is rigged 6 months ago i had good luck with other client this client not good ''

  4. hi i have on my old pc 2 graphic cards one build in and one build out and i removed the built out cause it has some error i am running now computer on the graphic card build in . the computer engineer told me i cant run the high graphic games but i can run movies and low graphic games my problem is every time i open the game i got this screen freeze and i play one 32bit version


  5. Hi i had old pc i got epic pokes in it but after some months i got some errors i couldnt play so i play on my laptop but my RNG on laptop is bad like 6 months cant find any good poke , so shall i pay money and fix my old pc or keep playing my on new laptop pls tell me is changing pc related to changing RNG ? pls tell yes related or no not related and ty



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