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Everything posted by Terrychin

  1. Username: TerryChin Server: yellow Legendary: Celebi
  2. my friend have request me daycare this, and i think i accidently delete it, can u help me check it, and if i have delete it, pla help me restore yello server
  3. he sell or not sell we don know, he can just post a trade pic and actually trade nothing.
  4. the point can get what reward? and one win look like too easy, try like 3 combo win
  5. so at the end, set they cant cancel the auction still useless, if they don want to sell, they can just tell any of the friend go post a high bid and we cant do anything.
  6. my friend acc are male character, and he got diva dress from Maribela boss, :ChikoritaWTF:BUT!!!!!!!!!!!! cant wear like a pretty girl, cant trade to her pretty girl, cant mail to her pretty girl it totally trash so hope u guy can make that male got male cloth and girl got girl cloth on that boss
  7. agree agree, totally agree, why set the start offer price that the seller think too low.
  8. i think i release it by mistake again edit: opps i found it, sorry
  9. warden gone, everything weird, i go talk with george and it direct become boss fight all because noisia kick warden out
  10. i have done 6th task already and get masterball on 6th task, but on 7th task, it request monferno and i get it. when i want go show poke, that npc talk with me like the beginning of the task say it is first day of the help and want i hunt wormadam, after i give the wormadam it give me first task reward again, 15 leppa berries. is there anyway to get the 7th task reward? or can i know what are the 7th reward?
  11. [glow=red]Want money or life?[/glow]
  12. 1.9m :Shy:
  13. No sorry
  14. Pokemon : snorlax Start offer: 1.5m Insta : Auction end in 3 days Happy bidding
  15. MEMBER CATEGORY Smartest: SunXueNing Friendliest: giratinassc1 Funniest: vrishan033 Coolest: xahmed Comeback Player of the Year: sunxuening Most Talkative: Harshat Most Trustworthy: hinata183 Most Helpful: Hinata183 Most Missed: renshetmonster Most Influential: giratinassc1 Most Intriguing: mecta STAFF CATEGORY Best GM: noisia (enjoy pvp with him/her) Best CC: shaui Best MOD: letrix Best CS: Artoriel Best Artist: Sirmeowington Best Mapper: Tiggus Most Professional Staff: letrix Most Friendly Staff: noisia Most Dedicated Staff: shaui Most Honorable Former Staff: no idea
  16. NPC Name: Apprentice Santa Terry Dialogue: Ho HO HO HO here your christmas gift (after give great ball say) good luck on Christmas hunting Special Request: stand beside Christmas tree and give some ultraball, gift cooldown 3 days
  17. Re: WTS Shiny EV Trained Parasect <t>100k ^_^</t>
  18. :Frown: :Frown: Please
  19. thank u :Heart:
  20. sorry for disturb u again, can u help me check is this poke release by me? cause this poke belong to my friend if yes pls restore it for me, :Shy: love u
  21. Re: Epic Imprish H.a Garchomp so stall <t>i go with 600k</t>
  22. i catch this on yesterday and i delete other starly, but when i want find it. i realies i release the wrong bird, Can it be recovery?
  23. :Cool: i going with 600k
  24. Ign : Terrychin Answer 1: 3 bones Answer 2: white Answer 3: turquoise
  25. IGN :TerryChin Answer 1 :Uxie Answer 2 :from the same egg that create by arceus [glow=red]3 yolks egg[/glow]
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