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Everything posted by Carlito2

  1. Hello guys, Im having a giveaway on my youtube channel, its for Gold server only. Hope y'all join :)
  2. Im having a mini giveaway in Gold server only. The instructions is in this vid. I wish you all luck :)
  3. Hello guys im looking for artist who can make youtube banner for me, dm me in discord Saakii#6074
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  4. Is there anyway to recover my friend's account? He lost his email so he cant change his password. I have proof that its his account.
  5. Welcome back! :)
  6. You can request to restore your pokemon here
  7. Sad to see you leaving. Welp goodluck irl, see ya
  8. Hello, dont worry you can still get it back. Go to this link and read everything. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/65778-url
  9. You can post it here in this link. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/index.php?threads/evolution-deleveling-request-megathread.65725/unread
  10. Hello, you can request to delevel your eevee in this link, just read everything. You can try to reduce the happiness of your eevee and level it up again in love island, keep the fairy move. Since espeon needs max happiness and must fight in day, the system might getting confused which to evolve, so try it. I hope this can help you.
  11. Welcome back! <3 You might want to check the update logs, they write the updates of PRO there since 2k15 it will be helpful to you. Here's the link
  12. Goodluck fam <3
  13. It isnt a bug, poketime is naturally different from Local time. Poketime is the time in game, and Local time is the time in real life.
  14. In 4 times win streak it is guaranteed you will get your legendary dog
  15. Hello, if he didnt return your seadra that will be counted as scamming and it is punishable, you can report it in here. Dont worry, they can give you back your seadra
  16. Naturally when you lost a battle in Wild pokemon you will lost a money, I forgot what percentage is it. But since you dc'ed to a wild pokemon it will counted as a lost, so you lost some of your money, it is not a bug. I dont think they will do something about that
  17. Hello, but have you already merged your account before logging in? If not please go to this and read everything https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/index.php?threads/everything-about-the-merge-general-faq-issue-faq-▶︎-read-before-making-a-merge-issue-thread-◀︎.90848/ About the difference between gold and silver is that the "gold" is the old yellow server while the "silver" is the merged server of blue and red. I hope this info can help you
  18. Hello, in your problem you can post it in this link. You can request to delevel your pokemon there.
  19. Hello, there's a lot of changes happened in PRO. There's no Red, Blue and yellow server anymore so if you are thinking where to go and how to recover your progress kindly click this link and read everything, that might help you.
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