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  1. Hey, i cant find all the spirits can you see wich one im missing plz? :)
  2. I accept ms (15days=750k / 30days 1.5m / 60days 3m), prices may be negotiable and the only rule is no taking back offers :) 1.5m sold:
  3. insta ludicolo
  4. Ninja Turtles outfits :v
  5. Re: WTS Contrary Malmar/S.S Kabutops 30atk/31spd/28def/ Politoed H.A and Kingdra S.S <t>ill start the toad and kingdra, tell me if anyone outbids :D</t>
  6. Re: Antshop\ <t>accept 1m for bisharp?</t>
  7. Re: Wts Hidden Power ice 57 max speed timid Jolteon, h.a. adamant fletchling, timid h.a. eevee <t>2m h.a eevee</t>
  8. Re: Big Grumpy Insta Shop (20 new trained pokes added)--Updated 6/1 <t>s.o h.a espeon?</t>
  9. Re: WTS Epic Galvantula, Ferrothorn <t>insta galva</t>
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