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Everything posted by Chiya

  1. Dungeon was nice , i dont even mind the RNG drop of the Lightstone - the only problem for me was the Lucarionite quest. I needed 10 runs just to get the 11.2 room for Thomas since he didnt spawn in 11.1 , idk if this was rly bad RNG but i feel like u should be able to finish this quest in 1 run. Overall this was rly nice content u can do with other players , would like to see more Dungeons in the future
  2. yes it worked now , tyvm :3 have a nice day
  3. okay so im getting the email for my main but not for my alt (wich email recently got changed to the same for main from support) maybe typo in the email or something idk , how to procced , reopen previous email change post ? or can it be fixed here let me know
  4. yeah checked all sections , is there going to be a discord announcement or only in forum when the email server is back up, so i might only need to take a look at discord
  5. Hey yesterday I tried to reset the password from my alt account and didnt got any email for that, I even tried the method for my main account with the same emailadress , also no email there , I also tried my others account with a different email they also got no email , all accounts using gmail adress , checked every folder noone there is there any way to fix that
  6. NAME CHANGE Username: MangoLogik New Username: Basara Server to charge the money from: Silver
  7. yeah i had the same problem i donated 2 times before server crashed and than my account was deleted
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