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Everything posted by Felixlalala

  1. Auction ended 35 minutes ago. Winner of this auction is @KimStarz as his last bid was 27 minutes before the end of the auction and no further bid was posted here.
  2. S.O 4m minimum bid 250k 72 hours from first bid cc - 400k reroll - 700k
  3. @Subhammaster You won. PM me in game or message me here to let me know when you're on
  4. Okay noted endsin 23hours28 minutes
  5. Start offer 1m minimum 250k ends 24 hours from first bid SOLD TO SUBHAMMASTER
  6. will do. I'm available now
  7. noted. I posted in the wrong section I think
  8. Accept; Cc: 450k Rr ticket: 720k Start offer: 9m, Minimum bid 500k, 4 days auction No Insta Auction ends 4 days after first offer Auction starts after first offer Ign: felixlalala Discord: JesusChrist#8314 SOLD TO ARIESLINGER 18m
  9. successfully sold water shuriken
  10. Sorry for any inconvenience caused @Mingrenpro @Seoulmate. Timing was down to the seconds/minutes so I couldn't really tell. I did not want things to become more complicated so the only reasonable way to fix this is by involving a trade moderator. The winner for this auction is @Seoulmate with highest offer of 4.5m. Due to a bug, I'm also unable to trade the water shuriken. In the announcement, it said that the cosmetics are tradeable. I've reported the bug and waiting for further confirmation on this matter. Again, sorry for any inconvenience caused.
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