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Everything posted by Felixlalala

  1. Auction ended. Sold to @Mingrenpro for 4.25m. Pm me at discord or in game. edit: I'll update this post later once i get verification for the last minute post sorry about that @Mingrenpro
  2. I got a water shuriken cosmetic from the fishing contest. It says here in the screenshot that it's tradeable. So I didn't really check and auctioned it off. Just now I wanted to trade the water shuriken to someone to check how well it goes on his "outfit" and it says "item not tradeable". What should I do in this case. The auction also ends in 20 hours
  3. @MUGUER You have a chance of getting 1 of the 3 cosmetics if you get top 3 in fishing contest iirc
  4. IGN: felixlalala Discord: JesusChrist#8314 Start offer 2m. 250k min bid No insta. 72hours auction from the first offer. Payment methods: CC -390k and Cash only SOLD TO SEOULMATE FOR 4.5M
  5. Username : felixlalala Server: Gold Timezone GMT +8
  6. I think special forms such as shiny and Hallow should probably have some bonus too cause it's harderto get and if you get it with good ivs but fail sync or ability it's even more of a fail
  7. Hi, ive met with a very confusing and frustrating problem. i have been following the sinnoh quest line in order by using the sinnoh quest guide but i cant find any of the 5 NPCS (symphonia, indragiri, nova, novi, oswald) most probably i've battleed them before but it was quite some time ago and i could'nt remember but i did, met hannah but when i talk to her she said: "whoops, im going back to Sinnoh" thats when she suddenly vanished out of thin air i couldnt go to Sinnoh. Can someone help me?
  8. ahhh rightt thankkss mate ! appreciate it :Angel:
  9. thanks for the quick reply but are there daily reboots or something or anyting? :/
  10. everytime i try to log in it says user has already logged in . i cant figure out whats happening . i was releasing some pokes and then suddenly the game sorta like crashes then when i relog it says user already logged in . can someone help me :Frown:
  11. wtb skorupi or drapion(sniper jolly or ada) budget 500k
  12. Re: Revos Halloween Tourny Yellow server <t>sign me up please :D ign=felixlalala</t>
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