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Everything posted by Syc89

  1. npc name : Syc dialouge : (before fight)-You must be atleast age 18 or over to pass (after fight-win)come back when you're more experienced,i'll take you on any time (after fight-lose)....then again,i'm just an npc,not the guard. location: near the end/at the start of victory road
  2. bump :D
  3. tho i dont mind,i'd prefer not to run into them :P
  4. Re: WTS epic bold blissey. ENDS SOON <t>am retracting my offer due to certain reasons,gl bidding all</t>
  5. IGN - syc89 country - bangladesh reason: i wanna play zelda BOTW real bad :v and the games that come out later(especially pokemon)
  6. when u say 2000hr,u mean gmt i assume?
  7. Re: WTS epic bold blissey <r>700k <E>:Angel:</E></r>
  8. auction 48hrs once start price called accept 15day ms=250k start price:700k insta:1.4m auction started @ start price:300k insta: to be added auction started @ start price:500k insta: to be added auction started @ start price:400k insta: 700k auction started @
  9. hmm? i'll start :Smile:
  10. Re: WTS epic bold blissey <r>500k <E>:Grin:</E></r>
  11. Re: Gambilicious's sale shop (UPDATED 19.03) <r><QUOTE author="Gambilicious"><s> </e></QUOTE> will buy excadrill,insta</r>
  12. ty for ur service :Grin:
  13. :bump:
  14. accept 15d ms=250k for pokemon up for offers,will accept any price i find satisfactory thank you also selling : syncs 15k any nature electrizer 30k razor fang 100k(out of stock) wide lens 100k toxic orb/life orb 250k 600k 500k 400k 200k 120k 550k offer offer 100k 150k 100k offer offer 100k offer 120k 200k 100k 100k 150k 150k 50k 70k 30k 30k 30k 30k 50k 50k
  15. hey~ pm if u see me,i have 4 poke to train,will pay beforehand
  16. Re: ▲BLAZE▲⎪Red Server⎪First Guild Of PRO⎪[uPDATED Guild Shiny Showcase] <r><QUOTE author="Somes"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> <br/> <br/> 1. What is your nickname in PRO? Syc89<br/> 2. Which one is your favorite Pokemon and why? Rayquazza,its just straight up badass,also cuz its a dragon(yes,i'm a guy :v)<br/> 3. What is your final objective in PRO? have fun while strive to be a pokemaster in my freetime<br/> 4. How many hours did you play on Red? 795<br/> 5. Age: 19<br/> 6. Do you have a PVP Team? yes(dont play pvp here much tho)</r>
  17. pm me in game :Shy: ty all for ur bids
  18. updated.set an insta
  19. auction: 48hrs start: 1m insta: 2.5m 30day ms=600k 15day ms=300k insta called
  20. I meet the requirements-150evolved and a lv100 dragontype(ot too) but cant enter the shrine
  21. ty for the good good work :)
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