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Everything posted by Digit

  1. I don't know what changed today but i was able to log in :) I'd like to thank everyone who chipped in with advice on how to get it back working, ye are great!! <3 So glad you were able to get in. Enjoy PRO! :) Locking as solved. [Finally!]
  2. Unfortunately, staff cannot do anything for this case. You should check and make sure you have every requirement before you go up to level 100 in the future. I recommend evolving Pokemon around level 97-98 to avoid any unexpected issue.
  3. Digit

    Down lvl

    I wish you better luck in the future! Locking this as solved.
  4. Digit

    Down lvl

    There is a great sticky at the top of this forum that covers all these situations. Check it out here. Here's the part that applies to you: "Unfortunately, staff cannot do anything for this case. You will need to check and make sure every requirement before go up to level 100. I will recommend evolution pokemon around level 97-98 for avoiding any unexpected issue." So, unfortunately there's nothing we can do. Sorry!
  5. I re-downloaded and extracted it into a folder on my desktop. everything went fine, no issue with the extraction. Went to load the game, got to the login screen, clicked login but it hung on connecting to server and then after a couple of seconds changed to cannot connect. I asked in my pro guild discord and they said the server is up atm so that's not an issue. I'm so confused as to why it won't connect. i've tried everything ye have suggested but to no avail :( I've even tried connecting to the blue server, but the same thing happens. also, I haven't changed anything on my pc since i last logged in so i doubt that's the problem. Do you have any kind of firewall running on your connection? Have you tried forwarding the following ports on your router? port 800 TCP port 803 TCP Have you restarted your router to reset your IP address? Is there a friend's house you could try to go login from?
  6. Digit


    --Moved to Support Forum-- First, can you tell me what server you're stuck on? Second, have you tried an escape rope, relogging, restarting your client? Third, have you tried clicking and dragging to try and move?
  7. Glad you found your answer. :) Have fun searching for them! --Locking this as solved--
  8. Mew: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=119&t=10217 Celebi: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=119&t=15173 Jirachi: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=119&t=33438 Hope this helps!
  9. Welcome to PRO! Nice to meet you! :Grin:
  10. Welcome to the forums, esophogor! :Grin:
  11. Welcome back to PRO! FYI, you can advertise your stream in this section of the forums: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewforum.php?f=126 :Grin:
  12. Hello MrMigno, welcome to PRO! We have various ways to support you - you can check our Game Guides or seek out Live Chat support via our IRC Channel. We've also got a list of Frequently Asked Questions to help guide you through. Good luck, and enjoy your game!
  13. As it is now online, I'm locking this as solved. Enjoy your game! Also, Forum rules 1. Do not ask about server status. The topic will be locked instantly. This rides that line.
  14. Hey Asmodic! Welcome to PRO! :)
  15. Hello RetroJessica! Welcome to PRO! I hope you have a blast!
  16. Thanks for making this guide, Jolly. :)
  17. Welcome to PRO, Fang! :Grin:
  18. Hello Syazmeep, welcome to PRO! :) We have various ways to support you - you can check our Game Guides or seek out Live Chat support via our IRC Channel. We've also got a list of Frequently Asked Questions to help guide you through. Good luck, and enjoy your game!
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