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Everything posted by Syder21

  1. thks tanto forse ho trovato un veleno guarire Gliscor ^^ and another question for the moment i can use this klefki or i lose only time for training it and use the time for find a bold/impish pokemon? Thank you so much :)
  2. Hi bro for gliscor is necessary poison heal or hyper cutter is ok?
  3. Hello is possible trasform in unevolved form this pokemon becouse i can't learn spore, i have try whit daycare center but nothing, same whit move relerned, there is another way? is possible? [ATTACH=full]121993[/ATTACH] Gold server-syder21 thks so much Resolved in day care center there is another entrance :(, sorry i can't delete this message
  4. Gligar Price 40k Thank You
  5. In-game name: syder21 Server:gold GMT Timezone: +1
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