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Dawson1992ger's Achievements

Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. 800k
  2. Take my offer back cause it is timid dont need that 1.2m is my bid now for it
  3. I bid 500k
  4. I buy ur whimsicott
  5. I buy ur adamant excadrill
  6. Im mentioned I cant believe it ^^thumbs up nice shop ^^gl with it :)
  7. I buy mandibuzz and volca insta :)
  8. I would offer 700k for breloom
  9. I would take it for around 2m but not more
  10. I buy the mandibuzz if it is ev trained and lvl 100 with defog taunt foulplay and toxic for 2m
  11. Is ur future mandibuzz still available?
  12. Hey I need deLevel service to lvl 97 for my eevee....I want it to evolve it into leafeon but it is allready lvl 100.....ingamename: Dawson1992ger Silver Server Dont know my timezone....Im in germany...
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