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Everything posted by Rafarnaldi

  1. Good point this regarding the frequency of the given items, + 1 to ur ideia also ;)
  2. Oval Stone also
  3. What do you think of including items like Black Sludge as recyclable; Everstone; Macho Brace; and Plates? They are seldom used items; and the last three come a lot in digs, Everstone and Macho Brace few use more than one. Another suggestion is to include the mechanics of making special types of Poké Balls using apricorns, and / or making them recyclable as well. Are they good ideas or not?
  4. To they couldnt abuse it, is just put a not very accesible price, like as 50 PVE or more; and 40 PVP, or more, i think!
  5. Hi! My sugestion is the developers creat a item that can de-evolve pokés; i have a name sugestion too, Mysterious Snack. Be creat a kind od this item will happy a lot of players that let urs pokés evolved without wanna! I hope that u, game staf, like this idea and can do it asap!
  6. Hi! Can anyone unmake my rockruff evolution, plz? I let he evolve into lycanrock midnigth without wanna! Sice yet, thx!
  7. Start: 200k / min received_3702126896476262.webp
  8. I forgot 1 Fragment, win the Mega Stone of Glalie, sorry.
  9. I colect stone and all the fragments,glalie 62 ivs and I took the Seafoam Plate, but no win the Mega Stone of Glalie. Something is missing?
  10. Yes thanks
  11. How can i pass it?
  12. The Cacturne use Destiny Bond and all time i die, as I pass it?
  13. Hi! Like as asked by the NPC R'aul of Cinnabar lab, i showed an flying pokémon lvl and ivs 60+ with a dragon and fire type moves, Aerodactyl Lvl 100; 75 ivs total; with Dragonbreath and Fire Fang, but he dont accepted my poké. Can anyone verify why and fix it, plz?
  14. I cant afford my event free reroll, the npc says:"I have done all I can for you". Can anyone verify why and if have any resolution about it, plz? I wanna afford the item before the event's end!
  15. Hello! Yes, u restored the correct! Thx!
  16. Hi! This week I release without wanna my 140 ivs Smoochum, i dint note the id. Can you restore its to me, plz? Since yet, thx.
  17. Hi! This week I release without wanna my 140 ivs Smoochum, i dint note the id. Can you restore its to me, plz? Since yet, thx.
  18. Hi! I have a problem, after I defetead the Horon to enter again on the castle, wihtout no fainted pokémons, he dont letme fight the Hallowwen Rapidash. Can any moderator resolves its to me, plz? Since yet, thx.
  19. I also have this problem; and other, the Horon dont letme fight the halowwen Rapidash after won without fainted pokémon.
  20. Hi. staff! Wich happened almost the same thing! Culd u helpme, plz? I cant enter on the Necropplis castle again, cuz afeter defeat mega Gengar Umbra, i entered on wronhg hole. Does have any way to u allowme to do this quest part again? Since yet, thx!
  21. Hi! Years ago i was released a lvl 100 Donphan sturdy. Can you restore its, plz? How it was years ago and i didnt see the action, i dont have the its ID. Since yet, thx!
  22. Plz, helpme GM, i was released withiout wanna my lvl 100 Relicanth today, its ID is 27358705. Thx advance.
  23. Plz, I need a delevel of my pokés, gave rc to them and forgot let evolve. Server: Gold Nick: RafArnaldi Pokés: Buizel (ID 36804466); and Golett (ID: 83100327) Thx; u to!
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