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Everything posted by Olman

  1. what do you win with those items exactly ? lol. The Hms always have been a pain in the ass in every pokemon game Im glad now we can get rid off the hm slave which is annoying to carry
  2. Re: Epic Magikarp Adamant/Perfect iv <r><QUOTE author="Ryaku22"><s> </e></QUOTE> Overpriced?</r>
  3. shiny+all ivs+28+hidden ability+adamant that is near to imposible in this game
  4. that pokemon is not legit
  5. you don't need to train the magnemite just use it in the first turn sturdy will tank the first attack of mewtwo use thunder wave and mewtwo paralyzed is an easy target.
  6. Try with alt+Enter in the login screen
  7. Olman

    Battle animations!

    I wasn't trying to support his point , I just wanted to show him how the game would look with those sprites Isn't quite obvious it looks very very bad?
  8. Olman

    Buff UI

    I think he is asking for BOOST UI like pokemon showdown: https://prntscr.com/8ulobn which is not bad idea.
  9. Olman

    Battle animations!

    This is how would look like with X/Y Sprites and animated ( with a bit more of quality and faster )
  10. Re: Shiny Pikachu x2 <r><QUOTE author="shero"><s> </e></QUOTE> <QUOTE author="TheDude"><s> </e></QUOTE> Ill pass</r>
  11. Re: Silver's Shop Shiny Corphish added for 24 hour bid only! <t>830k for corphish</t>
  12. You can catch a snorlax they always carry leftovers.
  13. The staff already stated that they want the players figure out the rarity of each pokemon by themselves
  14. looking for a good electabuzz i found this lmao
  15. This is not PWO lmfao but there is a move re-learner tutor in goldenroad and saffron 2k each move
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