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Everything posted by Prodex

  1. report him :Ambivalent:
  2. Re: wts epic mienshao 31 spd 29 atk <t>Can i start 300k? Iv isnot good .</t>
  3. Re: WTS epic togekiss <t>Start</t>
  4. Insta ?
  5. Pls, read the rules .
  6. Hm... i think garchomp is better than flygon ?
  7. Re: WTS Shiny Lileep <r><QUOTE author="XzoduZ123" post_id="468167" time="1510751815" user_id="1320888"><s> </e></QUOTE> I think he is a faker, he just want to make me bid more money for this shiny, but i didnt do it :)</r>
  8. hm... try to reset your network
  9. sad, the user has fainted :<
  10. Re: shiny ampharos <r><QUOTE author="ddolbba" post_id="467760" time="1510671634" user_id="1650528"><s> </e></QUOTE> Since he got banned, start 500k. <e> </e></QUOTE> You start? <e> </e></QUOTE> Traded</r>
  11. Re: shiny miltank <r><QUOTE author="aminnation" post_id="467759" time="1510671629" user_id="1691288"><s> </e></QUOTE> accept <E>:Grin:</E> <e> </e></QUOTE> Im here <E>:Sing:</E> vermi</r>
  12. Re: shiny ampharos <r><QUOTE author="Kaerveck" post_id="467065" time="1510524112" user_id="1690457"><s> </e></QUOTE> Since he got banned, start 500k.</r>
  13. Re: shiny miltank <t>Can i insta 2m3?</t>
  14. - Send by mail, and ill give u money. - Sure... Check your mail ! - tks, good bye . - my money ???? - Left the PM ...
  15. Welcome .
  16. Just +1
  17. Re: Shiny Shinx <r><QUOTE author="Shyuno" post_id="467278" time="1510579433" user_id="834709"><s> </e></QUOTE> Why don't you insta it for 4m? <e> </e></QUOTE> Im thinking, just because 4m is too much ^^</r>
  18. Re: Shiny magmotar for sale ! <r><GLOW glow="blue"><s>[glow=blue]</s>4 days left !<e>[/glow]</e></GLOW></r>
  19. Re: Shiny Shinx <t>Time left bro?</t>
  20. Re: Shiny Shinx <r>3.5 <E>:Sing:</E></r>
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