[glow=white]Rules :[/glow]
- I accept : pokedollars, coin capsule = 550k, ms 30d 550k, 15d 275k, 60d 1m, black 250k .
- Fake offer will be reported, u must have the money to bid .
- 3 days auction for all pokemons .
- If u dont like my price, just ignore it .
- No useless message, contact me ing : ProDex, discord : #oxyisme9603 .
- If u start bid on a pokemon, new topic will be created .
- Happy bidding !
[glow=red]Milktank : S.o 2m, insta 3m5[/glow]
[glow=red]Tenta : S.o 1m, insta 2m [/glow]
[glow=red]Gastly : S.o 2m, insta 3m5, new meta gastly[/glow]