In-Game Name: Blackneko22
Discord Tag: Black_Neko #1122
Server: Silver
How often do you use Discord? ---- most of the time during playtime :)
What is one suggestion you have for PRO Discord? nothing... it's good as is, whenever I ask, people answer... whenever I need staffs, the response is quick :) I hope it'll be maintained. good luck pro team!
I can't get near this very important NPC whom which I need the password from to proceed with the quest...
I get repelled back and receive that message whenever I pass the tile before him... pls fix this.. I already have 7 gym badge and talked to Barry, Barry asked me to go here. :Frown: :confused:
Sorry for the inconvenient waiting, but etam's forums in china is banned, i think, he can't open it, and I just saw you here.... I'm here to recruit you now if possible. ASAP, really sorry for the waiting
Sorry for the inconvenient waiting, but etam's forums in china is banned, i think, he can't open it, and I just saw you here.... I'm here to recruit you now if possible. ASAP, really sorry for the waiting