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Everything posted by Nicksupergod

  1. we will all miss you lunestra hope you have a good life after this game :Heart: p.s torchics were always the better starter pokemons :y:
  2. there is probably something going on that we do not know **shrugs** :confused:
  3. saame broo saaammeee all the otherr mmo's are complete bs and they were so unorganized all pookemons mashed up into one place but this game oh my gosh lol look and i had took a double take when i saw it was going to have all reigons
  4. wow that is something to remember :Crazy:
  5. I get that they have lives, and I'm in no way blaming them. I'm simply pointing out that they should know their limits and work around it, instead of pushing themselves over un-achievable goals. I'm just saying one on-time Christmas event is far better than one late Halloween event + one late Christmas event(or one late Halloween event + no Christmas event). If the staff know they don't have enough people to work on the content, just skip the Halloween event and use the time to prepare a Christmas event and deliver is on-time. We know they are busy and have their own lives, so if they do that, no one's gonna blame them for not having a Halloween event. But instead, they are pushing themselves at trying to deliver an already late Halloween event, and after that they probably don't even have time for an Christmas one. That's just bad planning. All I'm saying is plan better, if you don't think you can make the date, just skip it and start working on the next event, no ones gonna blame anyone for not having a certain event. But saying there will be a Halloween event and not release it until maybe Christmas? This is Sombra ARG all over again. i mean i canunderstand what you say but for me i never been in an actual event for this game so i do not feel the pain for you guys :confused:
  6. alot of people need to respond to this and agree with it so make sure you bump it for everyone to see
  7. the staff is really working hard guys c'mon they do what they do to bring the best out of this game ..........................................................................and let's be honest guys the staff have lives ok they are doing this for free for the love of pokemon just chill guys
  8. Even GIFs like on Showdown would be lovely! this game is not trying to be like any othr games it should just stay the way it is
  9. i am not saying that it is not important i mean i want better graphics but there is alot of better stuff they can be doing i mean most of us played pokemon sooo much that we do not really care for the graphics if you truly love pokemon you would play for the awesome gameplay not the graphics :)
  10. why report we all need peace across servers we do not want to have people get banned becaause of something simple unless........................they steal your pokemon or something like that :Shocked: cuz yesterday i got my raichu stolen cuz i was being to nice but i didn't report him cuz i am too nice :Angel: and i have a ton of other rai's in my collection lol i know this could be off topic i am sorry but i am really bored :Frown:
  11. haha sounds like a great plan :D you also need to listen to the whole pokemon soundtrack over aand over lol
  12. To solve that issue when someone that was previously in your friendlist, isn't anymore, and still appears the pop up saying when they are only, use /ignore (name). This will force the player out of your "ghost friendlist" :) problem solved :Grin:
  13. hiiii suuugaar my name is nick and i love blaziken my go is to be the master of a shiny blaziken
  14. i don't think it is the game yet :Cry:
  15. dude we don't need that right noowww :Angry: gameplay is waaayyy better megas before graphics :devil: we all need our megas graphics can wait untl everything is done since it is a beta i don't think it is really needed megas are important lets start a movement #megasbeforegraaphics :Crazy:
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