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Everything posted by Shesho26

  1. Re: ❄ Christmas Event 2017 Walkthrough! ❆ <t>Arceus moves :<br/> - 1st: Focus blast<br/> - 2nd: Haze, ice beam<br/> - 3rd: fire blast<br/> - 4th: psychic<br/> - 5th: X-Scizor<br/> - 6th: judgment<br/> note: i faced her with a snorlax</t>
  2. Proposed over 10 times and always ignored, i agree anyway
  3. bump!!!! everyone deserve at least a legendary with right nature :)
  4. i disagree, this game isn't a moba, if you ban 3 pokes u may destroy enemy's team synergy. Team preview is the solution. cya
  5. bump!! don't let this topic die
  6. this!, legendary birds are a must
  7. Totaly agree version 5.0
  8. Thanks for yor opinion!! i really appreciate it!!, i know some legendary pokes are strong, but even if the price is reducted to 25 will be harder to get a decent nature, there are 25 natures!! you can get a decent one at first try or after 100, that's why in my opinion 150 is a very absurd price, what about no-pvpers? if they get some tickets from bosses they will have to wait weeks, months and why not years to get a right nature by this way only to 1 poke (if tickets are implemented as a reward boss). Some people need a nature re-roll for more than 4 pokes. that's why we need a rework on this system. Thanks again for your comment!! have a good day c:
  9. Bump!! let's make a different system together!
  10. Bump for a fair and better system!!
  11. Totally agree!!
  12. Thanks!! main post edited
  13. Hi all, as everyone knows our biggets problem when we catch a legendary poke is a fail sync, some pokes like latios takes days and even weeks to complete the requeriments. Nowadays we have the option to reset a nature with 150 pvp points but in my opinion the price is so abusive... 1 coin per win, and there are like 25 different natures and you get a new one (totally random), no-pvpers won't spent their coins on this, even pvpers won't do it. so my ideas are: Decrease the ammount of pvp coins per nature Re-roll from 150 to 25 (this is just an idea) or give us the chance to select the new nature with a considerable ammount of pvp coins. some great player ideas: TheAkalli: -Make the nature reroll Item drop on more bosses (other than Zetsu) -Hard quests Ismursfy: Make a new system completely different and let us choose which Stat we want boosted. Eg.: +Speed would get you either Jolly, Timid, Hasty, Naive nature. [glow=red]Please share your opinion.[/glow]
  14. nice edit skills bro, keep going!
  15. what about a special cloack with guild logo on the back as reward for n1 guild of each server, that would be awesome.
  16. woow nice job, you should do it on shiny version too
  17. i dont care how many battles they got, what I care is how much time they spent on PVP, for ex: a person with 300 wins and 300 loses will spend about 100 hours and they received 300 pvp coins which worth anything ? second, which price gonna drop? pvp items? if pvp items drop that would be easier for new players who want to start pvp. giving more coins isn't the solution, they should rebalance the amount of coins invested on: -pvp items -Legendary re-roll iv's/nature giving extra coins isn't fair as i said before, is my opinion and i don't care if u don't care, also as akalli said skill>time.
  18. i disagree, there are some insane guys with over 300 wins per season and other no lifers with over 500 wins, those kind of guys were the responsables of the price drop on every server, if the reward per win is boosted the economy will be broken.
  19. comment to vote
  20. what if someone breakes the rules against you? it will take more time than needed to check, so....
  21. This is not an auction, i'm wanna sell it only for 1,5m. Contact me in game if u are interested. [glow=red]DON'T POST IF YOU AREN'T INTERESTED!![/glow]
  22. Npc name: Bad guy Shesho npc dialogue: -Hey kid! - yes!! you!! -after a hard train my team finally reached the max. level, and you will be the first one who will feel its power!!!! -AHAHAHAHAHAHA! VEANGEANCE IS MINE AHAHAHAHA!!! <after he lose> - ohhhh man.... npc team: 3 metapods and 3 kakunas lvl 100
  23. i support this, we spent hundreds of hours completing quests and if we get a fail sync is too frustrating... so yes, we need this for legendary pokes, also i don't see the problem i we get a new random nature...( re-rolling nature doesn't mean that u will get the right one at first try)
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