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Luohan last won the day on May 15 2020

Luohan had the most liked content!

1 Follower

About Luohan

  • Birthday 05/25/1993

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Junior Trainer

Junior Trainer (3/12)



  1. k sorry, i pass
  2. 1.219m as 2rr+219k
  3. 1.1m as 2rr+100k
  4. Anyone? Couldn't you try it on test server?
  5. The more wallbreakers we have, the more happy I am! +10! Bring the gypsy queen! PS: is magician coded?
  6. Hi, I have rerolled my offensive IV [set A] legendary mon to defensive IV {set B]. I like both sets. How 50k service "Load previous IV's" would work in such case? >set A -> rerolled to set B [save] >load previous IV's -> set A [save] >load previous IV's -> set B [save] >load previous IV's -> set A [save] .... Q: would be loading previous IV's to set B be possible in next step? Can they make a A-B sets loop (paying 50k each time ofc)?
  7. Hello, I would like to suggest making a separate announcements channel for all mounts related posts at discord. Last weekend we had 4 posts there just about some new mounts, please keep in mind, they are being reposted into guild channels since the channel used to be subscribed by bots. As we can see it, it's just a spam, and less and less players takes a look there anymore.
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