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Everything posted by Arufa227

  1. Hoenn Combo Spot Hp and Def Petalburg Woods Wurple, Cascoon, and Silcoon
  2. Re: Xmas special giveaway!! <t>1)Which is your favorite Pokemon and why? <br/> My favorite Pokemon is Luxray, because is has a very lion like sprite and shinx was one of the very first pokemon i caught in 4th gen which remains one of my favorite generations to this day<br/> <br/> 2)Who is your best friend and why? <br/> My best friend is Initi because he was the one who got me back into PRO and also got me to join the yellow server :D<br/> <br/> 3)Why u want to win?<br/> To be honest i want the second place prize because i want some blue clothes to go with the articuno wings we got for the xmas event <br/> <br/> 4)What is your special wish?<br/> To get enough in game hours so my friends and I can start our guild for fun ^-^</t>
  3. Good Luck everyone
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