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  1. Nice guide thank you so much!
  2. FlexxBruhh Gold server De-evolve back to kirlia please! Thank you!
  3. Flexxin <3 to the guild!
  4. Accidentally released my emboar. -Gold Server
  5. Do u still have this and want to sell?
  6. Updated. More to come soon!
  7. Bump
  8. Bump.
  9. Wanting offers on these pokes
  10. Updated. More coming!
  11. Looking for insta prices on: Shiny yanma Xmas axew Xmas riolu Xmas ralts Easter larvesta
  12. Willing to lower start bid to 400k if anyone is Interested!
  13. Wts timid 31 speed volcarona. S.o. 250k for 24 hours after first bid. Instant price 500k. Accept CC 250k I reserve right to refuse any offer, all sales are final please mean your bid!
  14. The original auction was already over and upon contacting buyer there were complications, so 48hrs from the first offer after my eplaining that, rather than make a new thread.
  15. Noted and roughly 45 hours
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