Re: Quanle92's Shop ( Nov 23rd update , new good cheap untrained pokes + 8 shinies, from uncommon to rare )
<t>cho e start con S floatzel 2.7mil luôn :v</t>
shiny Sharpedo
Sold to Jession5
Shiny Shiftry
(Sold to DiegoxD)
Shiny bellosoom
Sold to Croboxezal
Next b.o gain 100k
accept ms=800k
i will check reply ussually
i give time left after first b.o
Hi, admin.
I think now in game, each sever have many shiny and collector.
What do you think about a league for only shiny pokemon?
It'd make game very happy
Thank you so much. (sry my eng lish not good) :thanks: