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Everything posted by Doremonranma

  1. Re: Quanle92's Shop ( Nov 23rd update , new good cheap untrained pokes + 8 shinies, from uncommon to rare ) <t>cho e start con S floatzel 2.7mil luôn :v</t>
  2. Re: sandslash golduck poliwrath clefable butterfree <r><QUOTE author="margaux"><s> </e></QUOTE> 500k <E>:Smile:</E><e> </e></QUOTE> okay. i will buy 500k :3 <E>:confused:</E> <E>:confused:</E></r>
  3. Re: sandslash golduck poliwrath clefable butterfree <t>400k poliwrath</t>
  4. Re: AMAZING AERODACTYL SHINY 31 SPD 23 ATK <r><QUOTE author="OakiGames"><s> </e></QUOTE> 3m XD XD</r>
  5. choice scarf available. trade silver disc to porygon in cinabar have chance to hold choice scarf or upgrade
  6. I wwan to buy a choice scarf in game. server red. pm me in game: doremonranma
  7. Re: S Tauros BO: 1,5m <t>1.6m me</t>
  8. Re: S Tauros BO: 1,2m <t>b.o 1m4 here</t>
  9. Re: S Tauros BO: 300k <t>400k my b.o</t>
  10. Re: sell shiny Sharpedo, shiftry, bellosom. rare epic iv <r><QUOTE author="DiegoxD"><s> </e></QUOTE> yep. when u online</r>
  11. Re: sell shiny Sharpedo, shiftry, bellosom. rare epic iv <r>
  12. shiny Sharpedo Sold to Jession5 Shiny Shiftry (Sold to DiegoxD) Shiny bellosoom Sold to Croboxezal Next b.o gain 100k accept ms=800k i will check reply ussually i give time left after first b.o
  13. Re: Ada Turtwig - not epic <t>offer 60k</t>
  14. Re: Adamant Machop [NO GUARD] <t>yo. im online now</t>
  15. Hi, admin. I think now in game, each sever have many shiny and collector. What do you think about a league for only shiny pokemon? It'd make game very happy Thank you so much. (sry my eng lish not good) :thanks:
  16. Re: Adamant Machop [NO GUARD] <t>how much time left sỉr?</t>
  17. start 1mil insta 2,5mil fake b.o report
  18. Re: Adamant Machop [NO GUARD] <r><QUOTE author="Sabo"><s> </e></QUOTE> <br/> my offer 400k</r>
  19. Re: Quanle92's Shop (BIG DISCOUNT + cheaper insta , 2 days left!!!) <t>buy shiny arbok 35k</t>
  20. can i buy one of your shiny?
  21. U won.. Pm me ingame :Angel: okay sir
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