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Everything posted by Doremonranma

  1. Re: WTS Shiny Granbull, Venomoth <t>yo, b.o end?</t>
  2. bump :kiss: buying shiny pikachu- mareep
  3. Re: WTS Shiny Golduck & Linoone <t>b.o 200k this linoone</t>
  4. I want to buy shiny pikachu and shiny mareep. or maybe a rare shiny in game. my budget now 2mil Some one can sell to me?
  5. Re: WTS Shiny Granbull, Venomoth <t>500k granbull,</t>
  6. b.o 1.7m XD
  7. Re: S.Gengar offer 24hrs <t>1.2 mill</t>
  8. Re: Shinigami Guild Shop! <t>can i see your iv shiny in game. muk, mewth, arbok, primeape</t>
  9. Re: Quanle92's Shop (Update Oct 20th, insta cheap cool stuffs from 25k - 400k, Shinies and very RARE shinies added!!!!) <t>buy shiny donphan 125k</t>
  10. Re: CrowTele13 SHOP [Epic PVP Pokes , Untrained & Others] <r><QUOTE author="CrowTele13"><s> </e></QUOTE> sure, pm me in game, ty <E>:Smile:</E><e> </e></QUOTE> i will pm earlie</r>
  11. Re: CrowTele13 SHOP [Epic PVP Pokes , Untrained & Others] <t>buy tentacruel shiny 200k</t>
  12. Re: Quanle92's Shop (Update Oct 19th, insta cheap cool stuffs from 25k - 400k, will update more later) <t>buy shiny vulpix jolly insta 400k</t>
  13. Re: WTS Shiny Granbull, Vileplume, Venomoth <t>600k Vileplume XD</t>
  14. Re: WTS Shiny Crawdaunt, Granbull, Vileplume, Venomoth <t>b.o start crawdaunt 1.5m</t>
  15. buy insta mamoswine. buy insta tangrowth. i will online in game tommorow.
  16. shiny whismur 100k :devil:
  17. U can't insta after someone made insta already :Nervous: sh. dry. when i cpmment i dont seen lasted offer :D
  18. buy insta magnemite shiny.
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