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Everything posted by Theprodigy
Goodluck with the squad! Hope you are successful! ^-^
true but if you make to many alt accounts because you want to play story over and over and over you will get ip banned lol.
Goodbye T-T
Hello, so i had the idea that would be cool, what if you added an option to restart the whole story or maybe just 1 region. i for one would redo at least one region. im not sure if anyone else would though :/ idk you would have to take some votes and even if you didnt it wouldnt hurt anyone cause you could just add an NPC that lets you restart. so thats my idea ^-^
Tools Overlay In game - BossGuide and HiddenPower
Theprodigy replied to Raffy1995's topic in General Game Talk
>Bump< -
Shane also stated that he needed to make the new game to keep PRO up.
Lets talk about our current progress in PRO 2.0
Theprodigy replied to Surrender's topic in General Game Talk
to bad i can't play it lol. seeing that its 3D and all im guessing its pretty high spec aaaand my pc is a toaster sooo yeh lol. :'( -
Welcome to the best server out there! ^-^
welcome to PRO ^-^
I honestly dont think they will add gen 7 reason 1: not all gen 4 poke are even added yet reason 2: sinnoh may be the last region on PRO
Did you log out when you ordered the second set?
Well Sinnoh May Be Last Region So Yeh, And They Still Need To Add Poke From Gen 4 all The Way to Gen 7 now so i think they may start with gen 4 because the coming of sinnoh then they may or may not go into gen 5 and gen 6.
Hello Everyone, As Many People Know The PRO Community Is Very Close To An Uprising. Reasons For Uprising: Implementation Of IV Re-Roll Shane's Future Plan For The Game Most Pokemon Can't Be Sold Anymore -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Implementation Of IV Re-Roll: This Is The Biggest Thing The Community Is Complaining About, And Why? Because It Will Allow People That Are Able To Spend Money On The Game A Chance To Re-Roll The IVs Of A Pokemon. Is This Really As Much Of A Big Deal As The Community Is Making It? In My Opinion No, Here Are Some Words From Reikou The Community Coordinator. Shane said just because he worked on it doesn't mean it would definitely be added and that if is WAS added it can be disabled at any time afterwards if it's not beneficial Also bosses will start to give coins meaning it can be used without paying real money, that would just be an option You could also use the IV re-roll and end up with worse stats than you started anyway also to highlight the cost of this proposed IV re-roll the base price is 20 coins + 12 coins for every stat you want to re-roll and then each re-roll could be anywhere between 1-31 so If you want to hold 2 IVs you may already have at 31, that's 48 coins per roll with no guarantee the remaining 4 IVs being re-rolled are even going to end up above 5 each The actual cost to eventually get a 6x31 poke unless you have extremely good luck would be massive, it's not going to be a situation where every PVP team will be 6x31 within a week or if it is, that persons just helped a LOT to keeping the PRO servers online for a while on their own In My Opinion This Is An Excellent Paragraph To Tell People How It Really Works And That It Could Be Disabled IF It Was Decided To Be Implemented, Yes I Say If, Firstly This IV Re-Roll Is Not Even Implemented Yet, and Secondly It Might Not Even Be Implemented! The Community Is Complaining So Much They Are Threatening To Leave The Game And Saying That The Game Will Die, They Are Also Getting Mad At Staff, Admins, GMs, And Others Who In-Fact Have No Say In The Matter! Now I Think People Will Agree With Me When I Say Thats Just Silly. People Are Also Getting Mad At Shane Although They Have No Idea What Is Going On In His Life And How Hard It Really Is To Make/Map/Code A Game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shane's Future Plans For PRO: There Are Rumors Going Around That PRO Will Be Closing A Couple Months After Sinnoh Is Out Let Me Assure You This May Not Be True and It Also May Be But Do Not Jump To Conclusions. I Believe Shane Wants To Keep PRO Up But The Only Way He Can Is If He Completes His New Game And Publishes It And If We Support Him. No In All Honesty I Will Probably Not Be Able To Play Shane's New Game Because My PC Is Complete [Censored]. But Shane Really Needs Support On This Game To Keep PRO Up. People Thinks Shane Wants To Get His Last Money Out Of PRO and Make It A Money Grabber. I honestly believed this myself till i read some things on forums and it made me change my mind. Shane has been going through a tough time if he does not work on PRO do not blame him, He wants to finish his new game, Do Stuff In Real Life (And Not Be A Hermit Like Most Of Us xD) and he has to work in real life. People Are Also Mad That Sinnoh Is Still Not Done And That Is Do To The Reasons Above. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pokemon Can't Be Sold Anymore: People Can't Sell Poke Anymore Because Shane Raised The Spawn Rates Of Most Poke, Making People Think That They Dont Need To Buy That Epic Talonflame with 31 ATK 31 SPD and Other Amazing IVs and Right Nature And Ability and think they can get it themselves. This Soon Won't Be A Problem Anymore. People Will See That Even Though The Poke Is Now Less Rare It Will Not Always Mean You Get A Good One. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Conclusion: Please Don't Give Up On PRO A lot Of Games Have Bad Days And Al lot Of Developers Make Bad Decisions But In The End They Are Fixed Somehow. Also The Reasons For Some Players Quitting, Raging ETC. Is Just Rediculous. I'm Not Trying To Stop Anyone From Leaving I'm Just Trying To Bring Some Good Reason Into The Equation. I Could Go On About All This All Week But To Keep Things A Bit Short Ill Go For Now. Bye. :Shy:
Re: Free Sig Shop <t>hello ^-^ this is really great what you are doing, i would like a sig if you aren't to backed up.<br/> what server do you play?<br/> also i make sigs myself but i cant make sigs as good as yours, if you could teach me a bit i would be greatful, not sure if you could do that for free though. <br/> if your on blue server i could pay you ^-^<br/> <br/> on the sig just put any epic looking poke and my ign TheProdigy</t>
I really like this idea! can i have permission to post something like this but for blue server? :Smile:
AWESOME WORK MAN :Exclam: :Smile:
Welcome Back and Goodluck on your quest :Smile:
We will all miss you Maestro :Frown: :Frown: :Frown:
Tools Overlay In game - BossGuide and HiddenPower
Theprodigy replied to Raffy1995's topic in General Game Talk
I know the admins are busy and all, but, it feels like they are totally ignoring this post. please admins a lot of people like this app, please let him put the link to the download here. -
I didnt say ban bliss, just wanna ban that combination which is stalling the match, please read carefully first of all, everyone else is also saying get good or stop complaining Second of All, I know what you were complaining about Third of all, IT DOESNT MATTER WEATHER YOU COMPLAIN ABOUT MAGIKARP OR COMPLAIN ABOUT BLISSEY OR BLISSEY AND THE ABILITY COMBO!!! just stop complaining in the first place and learn how to deal with it. P.S. Its one of blissey's abilities game freak made it that way, if you hate it so much make a lawsuit or something with them :Crazy:
I honestly think all pokemon are equal, i mean, there are some that are better than others and some that are worse than others, but imo all of them have pros and cons. so my conclusion is, dont look for the most powerful pokemon in PRO because there are none. just get a pokemon that fits your play style and pokemon that you like.
This is an awesome idea but this will probably never happen because it would be a pain to code and map out. the problem with the coding is that; they would have to code fly (just for one place not to mention) and even without fly they have to code the ticket to get you there, the boat to get you there and the whole guild house map itself. also all the guild places would look the same because they cant map 20 different guild maps just for a select few player, and the decor wouldnt be possible because the decor of the game is added in by the mappers, also adding a whole new decoration option would be a hard to code. also coding is pretty hard to start out with and i think the coders and mappers will have better time used with just making events maps etc. sorry for that let down :/ but who knows maybe they will add it
Why do people keep complaining about these kind of poke!!! banning it is a very bad idea! reason 1: it keeps versitility reason 2: if there was no blissey there would be even more annoying teams that you would complain about too. I dont have a prob with blissey! becasue i know how to counter it! what i know about these kind of people that complain about poke that can be countered (every poke btw) is, even if they get what they want they will complain about some other poke the next day. (no offense by the way) All fighting poke can counter blissey by the way :Crazy: