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Everything posted by Hiddentree

  1. Re: YouTube giveaway 100 prizes(Only for a week) yellow <r><QUOTE author="Nelkos" post_id="389887" time="1495732534" user_id="384899"><s> </e></QUOTE> Thanks a lot ^^ <br/> You win the first place!</r>
  2. Re: YouTube giveaway (Only for a week) yellow <r><QUOTE author="Akutowa" post_id="389877" time="1495728373" user_id="1488688"><s> </e></QUOTE> Thanks for stopping by</r>
  3. Re: YouTube giveaway (Only for a week) yellow <r><QUOTE author="Klumb3r" post_id="389876" time="1495728293" user_id="1204056"><s> </e></QUOTE> Sorry added ..!!</r>
  4. Heya it's gramp! I always wanted to be a YouTuber, though I am kinda shy in real life. Anyway I finally started out with an a channel and posted a video it might look horrible to you but anyway :P. So here is the thing what you need to do to win. Every participant will be a winner...!! -----Go to my channel links will be down below. -----Subscribe to it. -----like the only video. -----Comment down what song should I make the next parody on. -----Post the screenshot here. PRIZES:- 150k for the 1st 10 person posting. 80k for next 10 500k for The best comment( Song suggestion) 20k for all the rest 100 guys Link to the video - Don't forget to turn on the captions..!! Winners list according to the rank Selfie Time and Reward taking [glow=green]If the participated guys would love to take a selfie meet me in vermilion harbor 6:00 PM and one on 5:30 AM I will also distribute the prizes at this time! (i won't be online another time so sure to check the time )[/glow] [glow=red]</GLOW> 500k Winner is petrosyolo..!! <i>[/glow]</i> <GLOW glow="grey">[glow=grey]Thanks for these great love everyone..!! hope you will like the next video on my channel..!![/glow]
  5. I see no one is interested so I'll put this off
  6. I was doing daycare for georgie and its been 2 weeks since i haven't seen him, it will be hard for me to get online from now. So can anyone help me know his status, that if he is coming on on a different time or not at all.
  7. Re: (closed for a while) Gramp Hiddentree's PokeCare service..!! <t>Too many requests make me close this pokecare center for a while. Though i be still doing daycares for my guild mates and regular guys.<br/> <br/> Note - i will be slowly doing training so if you okay then only give me</t>
  8. Re: Gramp Hiddentree's PokeCare service..!! (Looking for helper) <t>Paulo' corphish returned, took his blaziken to ev</t>
  9. Re: Gramp Hiddentree's PokeCare service..!! (Looking for helper) <t>completed and returned</t>
  10. Re: Gramp Hiddentree's PokeCare service..!! (Looking for helper) <t>took 3 pokes to ev train</t>
  11. Re: Gramp Hiddentree's PokeCare service..!! (Looking for helper) <t>Completed waiting for pickup</t>
  12. Updated..!! Got questions? Don't be shy ask em out loud
  13. [glow=black]Hello if you don't know me , I am Gramp- hiddentree, a poke caretaker from yellow server </SIZE></GLOW> <i>[/glow]</i> Rounds At first when everyone will meet at the decided place and the event will start with the knock out round. <GLOW glow="red">[glow=red]Round 1[/glow] There will be some 5 questions/situations each of 1 points. The players with 3 or more points will move to next round. Note: if the players eliminated > players left then there will be another same round for the guys eliminated. [glow=red]Round 2 (same day after a little break)[/glow] Each player will be asked to team up with another guy so you will have a total of 12 Pokémon's together(higher chance). It will be a "show the Pokémon contest". A total of 5 questions will be asked and the team with more than 3 or 3 points win. The questions will be like - *Show the Pokémon of Abra family. The players with the Pokémon Abra or its evo will win.* Note:- The teams who looses the match can either leave the game or do a one on one lvl 100 match with another guy from the same team. *Evil i know* :3 Need to post the SS on this topic to continue. [glow=red]Round 3 (same day or next day)[/glow] The remaining players will pick the random pokes again but this time it will be in pairs like *2 dragonites, 2 rattatas and 2 abras in a team*. questions will be similar like the above. 5 questions will be asked the guy with the most point will be the winner. Second and third prize can be sponsored by anyone if they want or I'll announce it later. Prizes:- FIRST - 15 days MS + a poke(will decide it later) Second - yet to be sponsored (or I'll put something in later) Third - yet to be sponsored (or I'll put something in later) [glow=green]All the participants coming in 3rd round will be given a free ev training service worth 80k, select from my shop ;)[/glow] [glow=black]Players participating[/glow] tourney will be held on 25/05/17 To enter the tourney you can give your IGN and GMT time down below Good luck and everyone play fair :D
  14. Re: Gramp Hiddentree's PokeCare service..!! (Looking for helper) <r><QUOTE author="eddiewestside" post_id="385478" time="1494675337" user_id="1430840"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> <br/> i'll be there in 2 hours will be cool ?</r>
  15. Re: Gramp Hiddentree's PokeCare service..!! (Looking for helper) <r><QUOTE author="eddiewestside" post_id="385027" time="1494579849" user_id="1430840"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> <br/> <br/> Sure it's done pm me in game. I tried contacting you but you were off</r>
  16. Re: Gramp Hiddentree's PokeCare service..!! (Looking for helper) <t>Looking for helper pm me in game or here with your trainer ID ^^</t>
  17. Re: Grandps Hiddentree's PokeCare service..!! <t>completed and returned hydragon <br/> <br/> campleted and waiting for pick up monferno</t>
  18. Re: Grandps Hiddentree's PokeCare service..!! <t>Took as daycare</t>
  19. Re: Grandps Hiddentree's PokeCare service..!! <t>Took another poke</t>
  20. Re: Grandps Hiddentree's PokeCare service..!! <t>Took another poke to ev</t>
  21. Re: Grandps Hiddentree's PokeCare service..!! <r><QUOTE author="Fireplayer99" post_id="384562" time="1494501719" user_id="1645879"><s> </e></QUOTE><QUOTE author="hidayatirja" post_id="384571" time="1494504416" user_id="1622813"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> <br/> <br/> Thanks for the great words guys <3, will look forward to hear more requests from you guys..!!</r>
  22. Re: Grandps Hiddentree's PokeCare service..!! <t>Took goldeen for ev spatk aiming to do it in an hr</t>
  23. Re: Grandps Hiddentree's PokeCare service..!! <t>Completed all the pokes..!!<br/> <br/> Took ferroseed from tatsumiii for ev train and infernape from fireplayer99</t>
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