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Everything posted by Hiddentree

  1. Re: Grandps Hiddentree's PokeCare service..!! <t>took diano</t>
  2. Re: Grandps Hiddentree's PokeCare service..!! <t>Took sawk from akai for spd atk<br/> Took eevee from tatsumii for spatk spd</t>
  3. Re: Grandps Hiddentree's PokeCare service..!! <r>Picked Happiny from <IMG src="https://image.prntscr.com/image/0087e90f5c4a435ba4d0688a8e2d48a9.png"><s></e></IMG></r>
  4. Re: Grandps Hiddentree's PokeCare service..!! <t>Added a new partner and completed more of a ton daycares..!!</t>
  5. Join us..!! It can your second home :* and i promise you will be loved <3
  6. Omg is that really true.. . . . *Time to leave the planet*
  7. Re: Grandps Hiddentree's PokeCare service..!! <r><QUOTE author="Georgie" post_id="377534" time="1492972255" user_id="1010122"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> <br/> Searched you in game.. can't seem to find ya. Will you like to tell me your GMT time ? And is that happiny still need care ? Sorry for late reply here</r>
  8. Re: Grandps Hiddentree's PokeCare service..!! <t>Picked rubayet's riolu to EV train</t>
  9. Re: Grandpa >-< Hiddentree's PokeCare service..!! Restarted with old price! <r><QUOTE author="Santabud" post_id="375338" time="1492419732" user_id="1511147"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> <br/> Sure I'll try to look up for you</r>
  10. Re: Grandps Hiddentree's PokeCare service..!! <t>Picked sunxuening's klefki to lvl up</t>
  11. Re: Grandpa >-< Hiddentree's PokeCare service..!! Restarted with old price! <t>venusaur, staryu, vulpix took to ev and lvl from gavin..!!</t>
  12. Re: Grandpa >-< Hiddentree's PokeCare service..!! Restarted with old price! <r><QUOTE author="PreHax" post_id="374711" time="1492252515" user_id="1120928"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> <br/> Thanks boi for great words!</r>
  13. Re: Grandpa >-< Hiddentree's PokeCare service..!! Restarted with old price! <r><QUOTE author="PokeCarrot" post_id="374610" time="1492212234" user_id="1358659"><s> </e></QUOTE>Amazing lvl up and ev training service,fast and cheap,love it and recommend it <3<br/> <br/> <br/> Thanks for suck great words ^^</r>
  14. Re: Grandpa >-< Hiddentree's PokeCare service..!! Restarted with old price! <t>pokecarrot's magikarp and dragonair done lvling waiting for pick up<br/> <br/> prehax's timburr done ev and lvl up awaiting pick up<br/> <br/> hitman200218's riolu done waiting for pick up<br/> <br/> took vrishan033's eevee for eving ..!!</t>
  15. Re: Grandpa >-< Hiddentree's PokeCare service..!! Restarted with old price! <t>Completed and returned Prehax's digglets x2 and took Timburr from him to ev and lvl.<br/> <br/> took pokecarrot's magikarp to lvl up (40 - 80)</t>
  16. Re: Grandpa >-< Hiddentree's PokeCare service..!! Restarted with old price! <r><QUOTE author="owlman244" post_id="374060" time="1492075999" user_id="1598028"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> <br/> thanks a lot for great words bruh <3<br/> <br/> <QUOTE author="nicksupergod" post_id="374153" time="1492101126" user_id="1426375"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> <br/> yo mah man how you doin!! <3</r>
  17. Re: Grandpa >-< Hiddentree's PokeCare service..!! Restarted with old price! <t>Took prehax's 2 digglet on lvl 19 for ev and lvl up till 95<br/> .<br/> .<br/> .<br/> .<br/> took hitman200218's riolu for ev atk and spd :D</t>
  18. Re: Grandpa >-< Hiddentree's PokeCare service..!! Restarted with old price! <t>Owlman244's fletchinder is ev'd atk and hp for 90k and returned :D</t>
  19. Re: Grandpa >-< Hiddentree's PokeCare service..!! Restarted with old price! <t>Gramp lifts up the shutter once again to let the love seeking pokes Enter!<br/> <br/> old price on services for 2 weeks..!!</t>
  20. Thanks a lot red :D
  21. Heya its Gramp hiddentree, I was on a break from the game but now i am planning to come back to the game can i get my daycare topic unlocked Please https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=159&t=53869 Thanks a ton!
  22. Thanks yo all people Have a good time too :) Happy new year and ~ciao Peace out
  23. Man you made me in tears... :Frown: I be missing you bad <333 you are one who uplifted me, hope to see ya soon too bruh. Have a good life and sorry you have to find new daycare guy :P who will be lucky to have you ;) keep tipping new guys <3 Thanks for the great words :). Wish you the luck too. Thanks bruh! good luck to you too :)
  24. Thanks for making this day a blast <333 i will always remember you guys <3 and will try to get back next year so we can celebrate next new year together :Heart: And [glow=Grey]Happy New Year Everyone...!![/glow]
  25. Happy new year bro <3 Thanks <3 Thanks a lot :) i hope i can come back to family again :Heart-eyes:
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